Happy New Year from Red, Denton and Francona’s Wig
Hoping for a 2011 filled with Red Sox line-up-induced carnage, Yankees slayings, at least one “Youk found pantsless and passed out in an alley on …
Hoping for a 2011 filled with Red Sox line-up-induced carnage, Yankees slayings, at least one “Youk found pantsless and passed out in an alley on …
Tired of staring longingly at the phone, waiting for Steve Crawford to invite you fishing (he won’t)? Looking for something to fill those empty days …
Just a reminder, the Surviving Grady Tickets site has tickets available for select games. Check it out!
Guys, thanks for coming over. I know it’s a little unusual to throw a party for those of us that spent time on the DL, …
We interrupt today’s shoveling-out (at least in my neck of the woods) to bring you one of my favorite Red Sox spring training memories: Denton …
The crew over at NESN is pushing to come up with a new nickname for Adrian Gonzalez. Things like “El Jefe” or “El Machete” are …
The weather fools might actually be on to something this time. Looks like a pile of snow coming soon to a driveway near you. Please, …
And in a whirlwind of shredded wrapping paper and tossed-aside bows, it’s over. Here’s hoping all of your Christmas dreams came true this year. Just …
..and please know that if you’re one of the like-minded who visits this site every day, Denton and I are having a drink for you. …
Well, not exactly. But hearing that the Yankees were kicking the tires on Manny Ramirez brought to mind a rant from the latest Cashman-Headwarmer Dialogue. …
If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you’ve probably figured out Red and I have…how shall I say it…different…tastes. Christmas tuneage …
Our story begins on Christmas Eve in a small but well-appointed Boston townhouse… Okay, we’ve sung “The Friendly Beasts,” turned the last page of the …
Since we started this blog in ’04, I’ve felt compelled round this time of year to impose a list of my favorite Christmas tunes on …
With all of the recent Red Sox-related action, it almost felt like baseball was right around the corner. Then reality set in: tomorrow is …
Greetings, Red Sox Nation. Remember me? It’s been a while, but I’ve had other things to do besides pay attention to your little baseball team. …
I typically get a bit buggy when conversation turns to pitchers whose weight hovers dangerously close to 300 pounds. But the Bobby Jenks signing is …
With Daniel Bard already waiting in the wings, could the Red Sox signing of Bobby Jenks signal the end of the Jonathan Papelbon era in …
Folks who believe you can never have enough guys named “Lenny” on your team will be happy to note that the Sox have lured back …
Lately it seems like every day is Christmas in Red Sox Nation, as the team stockpiles talent while the Yankees sign retreads and overpay existing …
Cashman: Alright, Headwarmer. I think I’ve got this Lee deal figured out. Headwarmer: Seriously? Cashman: I’m thinking seven years at three hundred million dollars. But …
The Rangers and the Yankees await an answer from the winter’s biggest unsigned free agent. Brian Cashman has already admitted his feelings: “I feel like …
Doc Crawford was officially unveiled as a member of the Sox today, slipping on a hat and shirt that, honestly, he just looked “right” in. …
So, they thought me mad to buy over 100 fully poseable Carl Crawford action figures, once given away at the Trop. We’ll see who’s laughing …
Okay, I made up the second half of the headline, but the Red Sox apparently did sign Carl Crawford. A Major League source had told …
It was this night, thirty years ago, that the world learned of John Lennon’s death. I heard the news from the unlikely source of Howard …
Call me a homer, but there is no chance (barring a Tom Brady assassination) that the Jets win this game. I have watched them win …
Pending the ol’ turn-your-head-and-cough to make sure that his recently surgi-fied right shoulder is healing and some contract needling, the Red Sox appear to have …
The Red Sox appear to have made their decision on the catching situation, signing Varitek to a one-year, two million dollar contract. There is an …
I really thought it was going to be fun watching the Jeter negotiations unfold. When it started getting ugly, even better. But then this idea, …
Great article by NESN.com’s Matt Couto comparing Werth to Evans. The statistics are incredibly similar: Jayson Werth: 543 games, .282/.380/.506/.885, 95 HR, 300 RBI, 60 …
Might we suggest one of our many shirts, which can be yours for the ridiculously low price of just $14 and free shipping? You can …
Before he was a Hall of Famer, NESN broadcaster, and Man of a Thousand Technicolor Dreamcoats, he was just a ball player trying to pay …
“So, like, have a good time and shit. Don’t hurt anybody.” Denton and I would like to echo those sentiments, and thank everyone who makes …
“What he needs to happen, and it won’t, is for Boston to get in it to amp up the price,” an exec said. “But that’s …