A Case For Euthanizing
“Holla Tom Brady?” Wouldn’t the world be a better place without the Bieb?
“Holla Tom Brady?” Wouldn’t the world be a better place without the Bieb?
I can’t believe it. I have actually been hearing sports radio callers bringing up that tired old argument: the Red Sox pitching suffered because Jason …
The 2011 Red Sox might look a lot different than the team we last saw. There are more questions than answers for Theo and the …
Watching the Yanks sweep away the Twins last night, I realized that for the most part, I could have scripted the 2010 ALDS in my …
We all know of Red’s outrageous wit and affinity for comic books and all things Kiss. But it turns out he is quite the investigative …
The Tampa Bay Rays will take their act on the road to Texas this weekend, where I fully expect their season to end. Is there …
Being a Red Sox fan, I never thought I’d get to the point where I expect my team to be playing in October. But here …
Watching ESPN’s Four Days in October helped take away whatever pain I might have been feeling after the Sox got shut out of this year’s …
It’s no secret the Red Sox have had, shall we say, “issues” at the shortstop position for a long time now. Cabrera and Gonzalez looked …
As soon as the Sox were officially toastified out of the 2010 playoffs, I focused my attentions on tonight’s premiere of ESPN’s Four Days in …
The great ‘Duk at Yahoo! Sports asked me to write a “Dear John” letter to the 2010 Boston Red Sox. I figgered I’d re-run it …
Well, here we are at the last game of the season. And we can actually play a role in the Yankees’ ultimate fate; if we …
Mike Lowell: Way, way cooler than Mike Douglas. He came as the sidecar to the Josh Beckett deal. He leaves as the 2007 World Series …
This is it, the final series of the lost 2010 season. Two games today, one more tomorrow, and we hunker down to wait for winter meetings …
That’s right, the Red Sox still have a say in how this season ends up. Anyone who doesn’t watch these “meaningless” games because Camp Rock …
With the Sox being eliminated from contention, my last remaining wishes for 2010 are to be magically transformed into Heidi Watney’s sweatpants and see Jon …
After Sunday night’s game, I was prepared to launch a full-scale war against Jonathan Papelbon. In Denton-speak, that means a lot of name-calling and possibly starting …
Seriously. As the Sox were melting down in July, running a 12-13 record while building a human-sized pneumatic tube linking the Fenway clubhouse to Mass …
Help me out here, SG Nation. Am I just being a complete homer in thinking that Clay Buchholz has a good shot at winning the …
I’ll admit it. I got sucked in. When the Sox snagged the lead in last night’s Bronx implosion, I turned to the drunk next to …
Okay, so I got what I wanted. The Sox have taken the first two of their three game set in New York. Now we won’t …
Achieved: 1. Knock enemies out of first place. Completed last night with a harrowing 10-8 victory in the Bronx, highlighted by a 4-4 night from …
Commander Fu#$kin’ Kick-Ass, you gotta listen up: I don’t want to see the Red Sox eliminated from the playoffs this weekend by the Yankees. In …
If Red Sox Nation needed any more evidence on what a tough season it’s been, how about this: last night’s win earned them a season …
They will in my neighborhood, God damn it, because if John “Everybody’s” Lackey, he of the 12-11 record, drops another game to the lowly Orioles, …
As long as I can remember, my Dad used to wish for two things: to live to be 70 (his own dad, my gramps, passed …
From one of my favorite movies, Summer of Sam. This season, I feel like the drunk guy in the clip.
Watching the preview of ESPN’s upcoming film, Four Days in October did precisely what I assume they wanted it to: teleported me back to those …
If my math is correct, the Sox would have to win all of their remaining games while the Rays played .500 ball just to tie. …
Honestly, I thought this home stand would be a cakewalk. Even though there wasn’t much I’d seen since April that should have produced such confidence, …
That was the one memorable line from a horrendous seventies sitcom, The San Pedro Beach Bums. For a couple of weeks, everybody was saying it. …
John Lackey brought his bag’o’suck to Fenway last night and single-handedly snuffed any hopes for October baseball. Anyone that didn’t see this coming just hasn’t …
Statistics say we won’t make the playoffs. BUT I SAY STATISTICS ARE DUMB AND MOSTLY DRUNK! So how can you trust them? Go with your …
A few weeks ago, Red and I hosted our second annual event to raise money for the Jimmy Fund during the Radiotelethon. The turnout was…a …