"Alex Rodriguez Would Be an Offensive Force Unlike Any Other at Fenway Park"
Forget the lipstick, the pouting, the cheap shots, the perfect hair, the crazy wife, the hair care products, the elbow to Pedroia, the natty suits …
Forget the lipstick, the pouting, the cheap shots, the perfect hair, the crazy wife, the hair care products, the elbow to Pedroia, the natty suits …
How’s that for a buzzkill. We get Ortiz and Manny finally acting like Ortiz and Manny, then Papi takes a foul ball off the knee …
…but, sadly, they didn’t bring their beer vendor.
I wrote about this at the FanHouse yesterday, but it’s still worth mentioning: Some Baltimore fans over at The Loss Column, apparently fed up with …
Listen. Sox Appeal seems like an interesting idea. But, honestly, I don’t need to sit and watch a half-hour’s worth of desperate attempts to get …
Honestly, I’d rather watch According to Jim than the All-Star Game. Even that real lousy episode where Jim gets beat up by Millard Fillmore and …
Last week’s ProJo had a great article on Craig Breslow, who is putting his degree in molecular biophysics from Yale to great use as a …
It’s easy to shrug off the weekend sweep in Detroit. It’s the cusp of the All-Star break, the guys are thinking of their impending vaykays, …
OK, so the Sox lost 3-2 in 13 innings. Relax. It was against one of the three best teams in baseball. It was against a …
If the guy can still play the banjo like he could a few years ago, it may be time to find a couple buddies that …
To watch: Red Sox vs. Tigers, 7:05pm, NESN-HD. To TiVo: Doctor Who, 8:00-10:30pm, Sci-Fi Channel. Your predictions for the Sox-Tigers series in the comments, please. …
Man, nothing like a visit from the Devil Rays to beef up your stats. Bleedin’ 21 hits, with 5 from The Beard of Reason and …
Seems like a lifetime ago that I was watching Hideki Okajima give up a home run in his first-ever pitch in the Major Leagues. I …
First things first, quote of the season already goes to Julio Lugo, as noted in Tuesday’s Herald: “Bananas,” Lugo said when asked how he was …
Mike Lowell. Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I did not know that. Anyway, Mr. Lowell would like to remind you — yes, you — …
I gotta admit, I’m the type of guy that is sorta…obsessed…with the Red Sox. And when things go bad, I jump on the players I …
Some interesting comments from the D-Rays on the eve of their series in Boston, courtesy of the St. Petersburg Times: “Usually we’ve played them two …
My man Curtis Interruptus called yesterday with a couple tickets to last night’s game. So today I’m far too out of it to say anything …
About a month ago, a fellow ex-con and I were talking about Manny. And I went on and on about how once he heats up, …
Somebody please tell me that what I saw last night happened only in my mind. That my horrific vision was just a cheap-beer-induced hallucination. Every …
If you were writing a script for a Red Sox ballgame, it would have looked something like last night’s game. The veteran starter comes in …
No Coco, no Lugo in tonight’s line-up. But there’ll be plenty of Timmeh. No excuses for not mopping up the place with the hapless Rangers. …
Headwarmer: The rain’s getting pretty bad. They should call this thing. Cashman: Not just yet. Can’t let the boys leave town on such a down …
The Mother from “Everybody Loves Raymond”Dabney ColemanStephen J. HawkingArt GarfunkleIvan Calderon (dead, I know, but still)Murray from “The Wiggles”A lizardRip Taylor (bonus: his ability to …
1. This photo, from the Providence Journal, is a thing of absolute beauty. I love the look on the face of the guy in the …
One hit. That’s all the Sox could muster off this guy in April. And other than a bad start against the Angels, Hernandez has been …
Rather than dwell on last night’s disaster in Starbucks city (see Denton’s post below for the full gore), Imma focus on some of the good …
Jerry and D.O. made the announcement during last night’s debacle in Seattle, but I had to scan the web before believing this one. But it’s …
As reported everywhere, the Chicago Sun Times says things are getting “serious” between the Sox and Sox regarding a “trade” for “Mark” “Buehrle,” whose contract …
There’s something inherently horrifying about watching David Ortiz running the bases. Not because I’m concerned for anyone who gets in his way, but because when …
Holy God. Rod Beck, who looked like a roadie for Lynyrd Skynyrd and was one of the more intriguing characters to sport a Red Sox …
Sometimes things just don’t go as planned. Tom Brady throws an ugly interception, Jennifer Garner rips a rotten-egg fart, and even the 2007 Red Sox …
Ahhh, yes. Step out the front door, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Smell it? You probably don’t recognize it, it’s the smell …
Remember that feeling you had in 2004? When you just couldn’t wait for the games to start to see what Millar or Manny or Mueller …
Precisely what the f–k is going on in this short clip from yesterday’s game? It kinda starts off with Youk grabbing Manny’s hair like Luke …