Julian Tavarez: He’s Just Like Us
Honestly, there are some days I’d rather slip my balls into the waffle iron than show up at the office. According to today’s Herald, Julian …
Honestly, there are some days I’d rather slip my balls into the waffle iron than show up at the office. According to today’s Herald, Julian …
Somehow, the final scene of the final episode of The Sopranos makes more sense when you see it re-enacted by the Pittsburgh Pirates mascots.
A few months ago, I mentioned this: Here’s a parlor game I like to play with some of my ex-con friends. We sit around, get …
I tell you, in my book, the absolute King of Moves — right after the one where you tell a girl you’re in town to …
Attention, Sox players. Remember how the Blue Jays used to distract David Wells with those “Mr. Sub” banners on either side of home plate? I’m …
Here’s a wild card for Sox Summer Savior: Magical Matt Clement, AKA the Emancipator, AKA the Expensive Yet Fragile One, AKA the Guy Who’s Still …
No, I am dead serious. Enough with the freakin’ Braves. I don’t care that a half a million years ago they were the Boston Braves, …
Yes, okay. It’s another lame-ass video-shot-from-the-TV-set, but it’s still required viewing: Dave Roberts making his triumphant return to Fenway Park Friday night. Not shown is …
I guess now we know what it takes to get Matsuzaka a win. The offense ain’t gonna help, so it’s all about the $100 million …
This is my second Father’s Day without the old man around. But somehow, I know he’s watchin’. Every time the Sox pull one outta their …
Dear Red Sox Batters: Please keep the hits coming and get the Dice Man a much-deserved win. The guy has been pitching his ass off …
Dustin goes 5-for-5! Drew gets 3 hits from the top spot! (In fact, those two accounted for all but one of the Sox’ hits.) Ortiz …
I know where I’ll be at 7:08 tonight. In my underground bunker twenty miles west of Boston, standing up in front of my television, and …
You know, had we actually landed Todd Helton, his bat might have come in handy, and his moxie would certainly be a welcome addition to …
Way to ruin a Wednesday, boys. We should have seen this coming from the minute Lugo made his 600th error in the first. You can …
Anybody else see the resemblance? A younger, less cheeky Curt, who actually used a comb once in a while? Anyway, the Schill pitches tonight on …
We went into last night’s game not knowing which Timmeh was gonna show up: the guy who gives up home runs like my man Tokyo …
The last word on Curt’s near no-hitter last week comes from Canada’s Globe and Mail, which informs us that David Ortiz may have been the …
Seriously? Do you even need to ask that question? And tonight’s line-up features Julio Lugo in his new ground-floor apartment: 1. Dustin Pedroia, 2B2. Kevin …
…might as well pick up a bottle of CaberKnuckle, Manny Being Merlot or Schilling Schardonnay and help out some worthwhile charities. Myself, I’m not much …
Some Monday morning questions as the Sox head back home and a million people call in to cancel HBO. How much longer can Tito keep …
Randy Johnson stands 6’10” and ugliness oozes out of every pore. Dustin Pedroia stands 5-foot-nothing and needs a step-stool to pee in the big boy’s …
First off, excellent work, Roger. Now you can take your seat until the Yanks’ next big series against the Kansas City Royals. Next, hotness and …
Beckett ran it to 9-0 and Julio Lugo earned another 1/4,934th of his paycheck with a leadoff home run. But the story of last night’s …
Beaten to death today on talk radio, blogs, and in the casinos, but still irks the ever-lovin’ piss outta me: The Yankees watched the end …
Watching the NESN replay of Curt’s one-hitter just made me want to see him get that no-no even more. My god, to come that bloody …
Curt, ‘sup. Good game. Way to stop the skid. Nicely done. Oh, and that no-hitter you were one out away from? I blew it. See, …
Enough with the goddam west coast. Seriously. I mean, these swings through Seattle and Oakland and Anaheim are about as appealing to me as “free …
Okay guys, time to stop screwing around. I know you’re not used to being in this position – up by nine games in early June …
Time to end this silly-ass two game losing skid and get back to the business of taking care of business. We’ve got Daisuke on the …
Last night on Letterman, Matt Damon strolled onto the stage in a Sox jersey, greeting Dave with, “So how’s your summer goin’?” And it just …
I gotta admit, I basically experienced this game by osmosis, alternately snoring and cheering and shouting expletives at Eric Chavez and drooling in my bacon …
As we speak, the Yankees are getting tossed around by the Ozzie Guillen Dancers. Meanwhile, the Red Sox, jet-lagged and slack-jawed after last night’s-this morning’s …
The fact that what was shaping up to be one of the feel good wins of the year turned into a ball-busting loss at the …
And I’d like to send one of those out to Blogger as well. Anyway, I get the feeling, after Friday evening’s Night of the Hit …