Payback, Mike Lowell Style
Those silly Yankees, will they ever learn? You mess with the Red Sox, they will mess with you. Hard. Mike Lowell took matters into his …
Those silly Yankees, will they ever learn? You mess with the Red Sox, they will mess with you. Hard. Mike Lowell took matters into his …
Being at last night’s game was like stepping in a warm, fresh pile of dog crap. Barefoot. The return of Shaky Wake – while never …
As long as I can remember, counting the Yankees out before the All-Star break has been like thinking you can take home the totally smokin’ …
In yesterday’s comments, lynnrice75 suggests that when A-Rod steps to the plate this weekend, the Fenway sound guys should cue up the clip from Finding …
And it was all there — right there! — in the seventh inning, all wrapped up like a neat stack of meat sticks and ready …
And this is how it is these days, people. Our boys have it down like flipping a switch. Beckett steps off the DL and back …
Weep, Cleveland! Get down on your pointed knees and weep for the hurting this man called Beckett shall levy upon you. Because your tears are …
Ever get the feeling that things are going too good for us? That the AL East race is ending before the All Star ballots have …
Trot’s back in town tonight, so we serve up some of the many reasons we loved the guy (as originally appeared in previous posts and …
It wouldn’t be a Julian Tavarez start without a Julian Tavarez moment. And during yesterday’s win against Texas, closing out a three-game sweep and sending …
Remember the feeling when Pedro Martinez was pitching? Man, that was like a goddam holiday in my house. I’d organize all the drinks, the meats, …
These days are good, they are. We get to watch the Yanks fold up like a paper tiger while the Red Sox continue to decimate …
I don’t know what it is, but I can’t get fired up for this weekend series with Texas. We’ve got Dice-K, Wake and Tavarez – …
Battling something of a headcold this morning — the Danes call it a hangover — so I’ll be quick and to the point: I’m totally …
So who the hell wants to win every game, anyway? The important things are we didn’t get swept, Manny continued to hit the ball well, …
Red Sox – Yankees Toss Across? Un-effing-believable. First of all, who even plays Toss Across? I thought it went out with Creepy Crawlers and headbands. …
A couple of thoughts on last night’s victory over the Yanks. — I believe in the Curse of Moose, which dictates that the Yankees doomed …
Bitches, listen. Did you really think it was over? Were you so foolhardy that you stocked up on Cristal and typed up invites to your …
This clip has been all around one end of the Net and back up the other. But the first time I saw it, I determined …
Yeah, sure, the Sox dove headlong into the crap parade that is interleague play this weekend, taking two of three from the Braves while simultaneously …
How many times has it happened this way? The bats explode – even Wily Mo getting in on the fun – and the Sox hand …
Ahhh, I love the smell of first place in the morning. Even when he Sox are rained out, they gain ground, thanks to my new …
Remember that scene in History of the World: Part I where Moses brings down the commandments? Moses: The Lord, the Lord Jehovah has given unto …
Everybody remembers Grill-Gate, right? Just Manny being Manny. But what are other players selling on eBay? Surviving Grady knows… Dustin Pedroia: Be the proud owner …
It looks like this crap is actually gonna move out and let the boys play tonight. I wonder what goes on with the players while …
I really wish Julian would consider changing the spelling of his last name. Imagine being able to put pictures up of these dudes every five …
You can’t ask for much more out of a team than what you witnessed last night. You get a complete game 6-hitter from your third …
I’m not sure what else there is to say about yesterday’s come-from-behind win that hasn’t been said. The bottom line: Sam Perlozzo crapped himself at …
First of all, can I just say that the dude in the commercial pictured above — which is in heavy rotation during Sox games on …
I hate losing. I don’t care if it’s a Superbowl bet or a game of Crazy 8’s with my 4-year-old niece. I just don’t like …
Hey mom. Did you happen to see last night’s game? What about Tuesday night’s game? Guess who hit a three run homer? I’ll give you …
And Tim Wakefield has been kicking ass in a Red Sox uni since the likes of Beckett and Papelbon were counting hairs on their chests …
See, this is what you have to do to your opponents when they’re on the ropes. Crush. Maim. Taunt. Slap them around like raw steaks …
A wise man once said, “I have a feeling that Daisuke Matsuzaka and the Red Sox are gonna stomp all over the Toronto Blue Jays.” …