How’s Your Twilight?
When he left us for the Blue Jays, I was all, “To heck with that fat bastard” and “Have fun playing in front of 2,500 …
When he left us for the Blue Jays, I was all, “To heck with that fat bastard” and “Have fun playing in front of 2,500 …
Last night, we drank. And when we drink, in between oafish attempts at “l’amour” and trying to make like Wade Boggs and will ourselves invisible …
If Mark Bellhorn was a movie, he’d be Repo Man. If he was a band, he’d be Wilco. If he was a TV show, he’d …
If you haven’t already read Faithful by Stewart O’Nan and Stephen King, what are you waiting for? The fact that the Sox are World Series …
Just when we thought we couldn’t pack any more Dave Roberts love into this website… we’re packing in more Dave Roberts love. Because not a …
Instead of posting my top ten list of favorite dessert foods or an in-depth analysis of the Swedish steel industry, we’re switching gears and talking …
This week, Major League Baseball released the terms of a new substance abuse policy focused on performance enhancing drugs. For years there has been speculation …
In November of 1977, Queen released their album News of the World. Just after Christmas the same year, it was certified platinum. To this day, …
Confession: I’m a winter soul. I love when it gets dark at 4:00 in the afternoon. Snow drifts up to my ass and my car …
…but Carl Pavano ain’t one. Actually, more like 39 problems. These are the thoughts that haunt my sleep: 1. Randy Johnson. 2. Randy Johnson’s haircut. …
Call him Shank, call him CHB (Curly-Haired Boyfriend), call him inventor of the curse, or call him Bozo. Use whichever nickname you prefer, just don’t …
EPSN and Dirt Dogs note that Derek Lowe is on the verge of signing with the Los Angeles Dodgers. Not surprisingly, Derek himself has no …
The big news for tonight’s Hot Stove Cool Music show at the Paradise, at least in my fevered brain, is that Theo Epstein will be …
It’s official. Ball gate is on. And no, this isn’t some cheap reference to Michael Jackson’s legal problems. In a nutshell [d’oh!], Minty held on …
It’s Friday morning, and after a night of barfights and gunplay [Thank you, Providence], we’re just gonna let this one devolve into a series of …
Cooperstown. The Baseball Hall of Fame. The final jewel in the crown for so many. The elusive dream for so many more. And what separates …
I’ll miss the Pokester. Although injuries and the emergence of The Bell as RSN’s new cult hero limited his playing time in 2004, he leaves …
This is the first time I’ve ever really sat and watched El Tiante pitch. Two words: F–king. Awesome. Best Red Sox player name ever: Dick …
Okay. So. You’ve bought all of the DVDs, commemorative scrap books and Red Sox World Champion sweatshirts you could get your hands on. You’ve got …
“Last year, when the Sox won the World Series…” I’ve been practicing saying that for a couple of days. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Yesterday, we …
First of all, f–k Randy Johnson and f–k the Yankees. I hope they sign Beltran and Griffey and Sosa and Clemens and Aquaman and install …
Before embarking on the journey to 2005 (Year 2 in Red Sox Championship time), even before professing my resolutions, I need to clean the slate …
1. Accept the fact that Scarlett Johannson will not be returning my calls, making me waffles, or providing me with a personal re-enactment of the …
In just a few short weeks, pitchers and catchers will be arriving in Fort Myers. Among the veterans and defending World Series champions will be …
Red Writes Theo Epstein Theo: I’ll make this short and sweet. As Christmas presents go, this ranks right up there with the Tranformers Fortress Maximus. …
George Steinbrenner Writes Javier Vazquez Mr. Vazquez: Big Man here. Don’t want to go to L.A., huh? Look here, assface, if this caper of yours …
Sean McDonough Writes Joseph Abboud Good evening, Joseph, Sean McDonough here, coming to you tonight by pen and paper from an elegant hotel room overlooking …
Dear Mr. Roberts: Just heard that you’ve been traded to the San Diego Padres. It’s disappointing for sure, because the image of you skimming your …
Dear Theo: You dick. So you don’t want me on your team any more. Fine. I’m totally cool with that. I don’t understand it, especially …
Anyone get the feeling Theo and crew have no f–king idea what they’re doing? Neither do I.
For those keeping score: Tim Hudson goes to Atlanta. Randy “Chewbacca” Johnson likely going to the Yankees. Meanwhile, Derek Lowe remains trapped in an old, …
Now that I’ve proven to everyone that I can cross “professional interviewer” off my list of future careers, here is the second part of the …