Honestly, I Only Read It for the Articles…
…like this one on Red Sox spring training speculations.
…like this one on Red Sox spring training speculations.
Another snow storm on the way. Spring baseball on the way. The snow will be gone in a few weeks, but baseball will be here …
Dude, let it snow, let it sleet, let Jose Canseco and brother Ozzie set up a book peddlin’ shack on my front lawn. I give …
Just a couple off-topic notes on tonight’s Academy Awards ceremony: 1) If Morgan Freeman doesn’t win Best Supporting Actor, then I’m mailing someone in Hollywood …
So, according to Larry Lucchino in Thursday’s Globe, championship rings will, in fact, be handed out before the home opener. Further, ownership decided that “everybody …
“It’s the fans that need spring training. You gotta get ’em interested. Wake ’em up and let ’em know that their season is coming, the …
In today’s Globe: Little seems to have changed this spring about [Mark] Bellhorn. He still doesn’t say boo, though Kevin Millar, who brought Manny Ramirez …
Spring Training is underway, but for the past couple evenings I’ve been hanging out in the Wayback Machine, watching NESN’s recasts of Games One and …
Can you imagine being a Yankee fan? What are they going through right now? Last October they watched their team complete the worst chokefest in …
Checking in from the slopes and thanking God for wi-fi… Over the past couple months, we’ve been fortunate to have seen our goofy-ass site referenced …
I gotta tell ya… I get absolutely giddy when I see this photo. Giddy! Read the AP story that accompanied it here.
As I’ve documented far too many times in these lackluster pages, Game 7 of the 2003 ALCS took years off my life, positioning me squarely …
Spring at last, Spring at last, thank God Almighty, Spring at last. Today is the day Spring officially begins in Boston. Not some arbitrary date …
Jose Canseco did steroids? Not really heart-stopping news. But maybe some of the other players he calls out in his book, Juiced, will be surprising. …
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. I can’t take it. I’ve tried to bury the emotion. Tried to let the pain just trickle off me. …
Quick hits for Monday morning: Watched the 60 Minutes bit on Canseco last night, and my favorite quote was from writer Howard Bryant: “What we’re …
…has a cover story on Johnny Damon, in which he reveals, among other things, that he’s contractually bound to keep his hair long for the …
Watching the replay of Game 7 of the ALCS last night, I’m reminded of just how goddam zombified I was — we all were — …
With apologies to McSweeney’s. ACT ONE, SCENE THREE Goneril: Did my father strike my gentleman for chiding of his fool? Bronson Arroyo: I don’t know …
Am I the only person watching the NESN ALCS replays like I’m seeing this stuff for the first time? During last night’s Game Five repeat, …
Episode XIV, wherein Red returns from a business trip and brings everybody down. I love planes. Seriously. Love travelling coach and stuffing myself into tiny …
The New England Patriots are the Superbowl champions. Again. The game didn’t go anywhere near the way I predicted, but the outcome is what matters. …
After two weeks of hype, finally, the game will be played. We have heard trash talk and speculation, predictions and accolades, and even a message …
I am pleased to report the safe return of Red from inside the borders of Yankee territory. Despite several attempts on his life and a …
First of all, NESN’s idea to replay the ALCS this week was brilliant. I mean, who isn’t sick of the Superbowl hype? Nobody watches the …
While Red is on his mission in the labyrinth of tunnels deep below New York City, I too have been redeployed for a day. My …
El Guapo Found! Ten days after his wife filed a missing persons report with police, former Red Sox pitcher Rich Garces returned home safely. No, …
NESN presents the 2004 ALCS, beginning tonight at 8:00pm. Speaking as a guy who officially threw in the towel after the abomination that was Game …
One of the things that’s been helping me through the baseball-less winter, besides the NESN re-runs [ALCS 2004 starts next Monday!] and stacks of European …
Unlike Red, I despise winter. It is cold, the days are short, and worst of all, there is no baseball. I am a huge football …
So this is what I’ve been reduced to. Collapsed across the couch, empty Heineken bottles strewn about the floor, every light in the place turned …
The best thing about winning the World Series? Well, there’s the money, the ring, the bragging rights, the look on your neighbors’ faces when you’re …
After all the hype, all the interviews, the trash-talking and the comparing of numbers, the New England Patriots did what they do best. Win big …
While New England digs out of a mid-winter blizzard to prepare for the AFC Championship games, the Hot Stove couldn’t be hotter. Delgado and Ordonez …