Chargers All Bark, No Bite
It all started a year ago, after the Patriots beat the Chargers on their own turf. LT issued his “no class” statement, and the Chargers …
It all started a year ago, after the Patriots beat the Chargers on their own turf. LT issued his “no class” statement, and the Chargers …
Hazel, Tina, move over. There’s a new sheriff in town and her name is Amber Wilson. I stumbled on a few news clips while perusing …
The Sox and Hillbilly Youk are gearing up for that magical dance that is salary arbitration. Though much of this process is shrouded in mystery, …
He’s led us to two World Championships. He’s 8-0 as a manager in the World Series. He’ll be leading the AL squad during 2008’s All …
When you’re Mike Lowell (and that’s World Series MVP Mike Lowell to you, whitey), you don’t have to go out in search of the awesome. …
Kevin Youkilis was among three Red Sox players who filed for arbitration. The Beard of Wisdom made a meager (in baseball terms) $424,500 last season. …
It’s been way too long since we’ve had some real baseball news to talk about. I mean on-the-field stuff, not Roger Clemens’ ass or the …
Game One, First Inning Tito: So what was your plan of attack going into this? Clint: Actually, we took a somewhat offbeat approach. After the …
Listen up, Red Sox, Inc.: You can re-sign Tim Wakefield’s caddy, you can let Santana slide through your fingers, you can even refuse to release …
Much to the disgust of family and friends, I think Peyton Manning is a funny bastard. His commercials crack me up and his appearance on …
Before hearing all of the pre-game hype, I kinda like the Jags. A bit of a Cinderella story, no real big-money thugs on the team, …
Ever wanted to experience the raw thrill of being in a room with two guys named Bubba and Hansack? You’ll get your chance on Monday, …
Just getting around to reading last Sunday’s Herald (that’s just how action-packed my life is, folks) and I came across this interesting bit from Massarotti: …
In this era of major league primadonnas, billionaire arseholes, juicers, liars, cheaters, tell-all biography hustlers, daycare Fellinis and fast food assassins, this quote from Mike …
A few weeks ago, Red shared a few of his “worst lyrics” opinions. Since there is not a lot of baseball going on, although NESN …
So what if Jim Ed doesn’t make it into the Hall? As this priceless clip demonstrates, he and former droogie Dwight Evans soundly bested Goose … is reporting that Jim Rice once again fell short of the required votes to get into the Hall of Fame. The man with the …
Because I’m pretty tired of hearing about Roger Clemens’ ass. And all the things that were or were not injected into it. It’s starting to …
Another note in the “Denton doesn’t know baseball” file, no idea how I missed this from The Gammons‘ chat last week: alan_in_brighton__Guest: How did surgery …
I mean, it sounds like it could be his voice, but… I just don’t know. Something tells me, especially when he hits that crescendo at …
The Rocket explains it all tonight on 60 Minutes. Myself, I’ll be watching my recording of his 20-strikeout game against Seattle at Fenway from 1986 …
Sup. It’s me, Roger’s ass. Listen, I’m in Maui right now on business, but I wanted to set the record straight. It wasn’t steroids or …
During his chat on yesterday, The Gammons revealed that he didn’t expect Jim Rice to make it into baseball’s Hall of Fame in this, …
Red Sox Monster points out that Kevin Youkilis has embraced the entrepreneurial spirit, and signed on to become the official spokesperson for a line of …
My Dad took me to my first Red Sox game at Fenway in 1978. He walked me up the ramp through the fog of sausage-steam …
Since the beginning of time, or so it seems, people have two choices on New Year’s Eve. One is to go out and drink until …
Well, we made it. Another year under the belt, another year lies ahead, full of promise. For the sports-minded, 2007 worked out pretty damn good …
This was never in doubt. Anyone that was worried when the Pats were down by 12 just haven’t been paying attention this season. Eat that …
In the days before Peyton Manning was in every commercial, there was some pretty funny stuff. Who didn’t greet their friends like this when these …
I haven’t eaten Wheaties in ten years. Not since the great “Wheaties Scandal” of 1997, in which unauthorized photos of a scantily clad Bob Newhart …
The 2004 post-season is defined by two turning points. The first was The Steal. The second was that home run by Mark Bellhorn in Game …
Dude, I am so effed up on egg nog and ham I can’t even think. I don’t want to hear another word about Papelbon’s dog, …
I wanted to echo Red’s holiday sentiments. Without you, we’d be just a couple of goofs sitting around talking about baseball. I guess we still …
In my house, it ain’t Christmas until I’ve heard The Ramones tear through “Merry Christmas (I Don’t Wanna Fight Tonight)” and The Pogues serve up …
Let’s face it, not much going on. Clemens is full of sh!t, the Pats are a step closer to history, and the rest of us …