Little Victories
I don’t care if it’s David Ortiz vs. Cody Ransom, Jim Rice vs. Reggie Jackson, spring training vs. regular season, Julio Lugo piling up more …
I don’t care if it’s David Ortiz vs. Cody Ransom, Jim Rice vs. Reggie Jackson, spring training vs. regular season, Julio Lugo piling up more …
I know that mentioning this on Friday the thirteenth probably isn’t kosher. And will likely set him up for an unfortunate accident involving an ice …
First year of Manny’s contract: $25 million Second year of Manny’s contract: $20 million Manny begging out of his spring training debut with a sore …
As much as I hate to drudge up any more bits of Mannyphrenalia–the guy helped us win some titles, now he’s gone, end of story–today’s …
So while I’m tearing up the carpets, trying to figure out a way to insert myself into last night’s U2 show in Somerville, my cousin …
Any concerns about Big Papi aggravating his bumps and bruises playing first base for the Domincan team in the WBC were put to rest by …
So U2’s playing their “secret” gig at the Somerville Theatre tonight, and I don’t have tickets, despite the fact that I once helped Bono break …
I know it’s a meaningless spring training game (against the Orioles no less) but doesn’t this whet your appetite for baseball? Jacoby Ellsbury might not …
Today’s Globe reminds us that Julio “I feel bananas every day” Lugo is leading the Red Sox with a .533 batting average in Grapefruit League …
There’s a great clip at featuring outtakes from the team’s recent photo shoot, in which they recorded some of those goofy-ass PSAs that appear …
The Sox have reportedly signed Jon Lester, the young lefty ace who has truly become the heart and soul of this organization, to a five …
Best thing about today: About a month ’til real baseball starts. Worst thing about today: About a month ’til real baseball starts. If I was …
When things get slow on the A-Rod front and we need another Yankee to pick on, I put Joba on the top of the list. …
It’s been a banner few weeks for the folks who despise all things A-Rod. Count me in that camp, of course. For those of you …
With all the talk of Drew’s back, Lowell’s hip, Penny’s shoulder and Papi’s knees (God help us), there’s a veritable quagmire of bad vibes to …
The Dodgers introduced the freshly-signed Manny to the world this afternoon. While Manny didn’t expound on his views on world politics or break down the …
Here at SG, we’re not afraid to rally around the important causes. Like scoring Manny Ramirez’s sweet penthouse atop the Ritz-Carlton on the Common. I’m …
Shuffling out for more work-related fun this morning, so it’s a quick one. I picked up U2’s No Line On The Horizon with some trepidation–the …
Drew’s got a bad back? Who knew? Penny’s not quite where he wants to be, health wise? Never saw that coming! Anyway, it can’t bring …
The object of Red’s affection, Amalie Benjamin, is reporting that J.D. Drew was sent back to Boston to get an injection in his lower back. …
Tonight, Jimmy Fallon takes over Late Night on NBC, the show what gave us Conan and Dave. Myself, I’m rooting for the guy. I always …
Typically, we save the prognosticating for people who know better. Like Nostradamus or that Seacrest fellow. But as the beginning of a new baseball season …
Dear Pete: I know your connections run the gamut from the Red Sox front office to the pearly gates of heaven. So will you please …
In today’s Herald, Sean McAdams points out that the Sox were approached by Pedro Martinez’ handlers to check our interest in Pedro II: The Adventure …
Red Sox Nation is preparing to enter the first full year of a Mannyless lineup. While traveling secretaries and sweaty firstbasemen sleep easier, a lot …
During a spring training game some Saturday afternoon in 2005, I got a call from my dad, who sounded like he’d been huffing motor oil. …
Josh Beckett: Still a monster. And extra good at striking out college players. Even though Brian Daubach filled in quite nicely for the ailing Remdawg, …
There’s still snow on my street. The economy’s in the crapper. My 401k won’t buy me a sack of mini Charleston Chews. Marisa Tomei won’t …
Everyone knows about the great Red Sox references in movies like Good Will Hunting and Field of Dreams. Hell, they tried (unsuccessfully) to define Red …
Just a week after I publicly appealed for Youk to keep his massive, dirty beard, the guy goes and whittles it down to a John …
Dustin Pedroia–wondrously described in a recent Herald article as “short,” “pre-mature bald” and “cocksure”–is gunning for yet another milestone this season. He wants to play …
And by “the new guys,” I mean Mr. Baldelli: Rocco Baldelli was asked how he’s feeling. “I was going to make a sign,” he said. …
If there’s one guy on whose shoulders our 2009 fortunes will surely rise or fall, it’s Our Man Ortiz. Last season, suffering through injuries and …