Tonight, Jimmy Fallon takes over Late Night on NBC, the show what gave us Conan and Dave. Myself, I’m rooting for the guy. I always dug his schtick on SNL and, though it took a while, I’ll admit that Fever Pitch has grown on me. Hey, give Fallon credit: he pulled off a regular-Boston-joe vibe more convincingly in that film than Sheen, DiCaprio and Baldwin did in The Departed. Hell, even Matt Damon seemed less local by comparison.

The critics have been sharpening their knives for weeks, no doubt. And when one considers that the “Fire Conan” movement continued pretty much through O’Brien’s entire first year on the job, you know it ain’t comin’ easy for Jimmy. But I’ll give him the same chance I gave Conan–an investment that more than paid for itself with The Masturbating Bear.

Anyway, Fallon’s got Robert DeNiro and Van the Man at 12:30am. Stay awake. We’ll be here for you.