I Wonder…
…if Papi’s gonna hear it from the New York crowd. Ah, probably not. Also, get yer World Series tickets now.
…if Papi’s gonna hear it from the New York crowd. Ah, probably not. Also, get yer World Series tickets now.
What is it about stepping into the Trop that turns the Sox from Spider-Man to Peter Parker? From Red Bull to warm Ovaltine? From Led …
Folks, I don't ask for much. I'm a man of simple means, with simple dreams and simple desires. I just want to see Brad Penny …
Seriously. All of you. Just show up, give me the quick cleat-to-sack, then head back to your mansions and 18 year-old girlfriends. Sure, it’ll hurt. …
Tonight begins a whirlwind tour of duty against our most bitter AL East rivals, the Rays and Yanks. And on the heels of our four …
The Beard has no beginning, the Beard has no end, it just is. The Beard is everywhere, yet nowhere, it is the ultimate paradox. The …
Think for just a minute about this weekend’s sweep of the Orioles. John Smoltz starts Friday’s game with a 7.04 ERA. He ends up raising …
Josh Beckett is the textbook “ace” pitcher. By the numbers, look what he’s done: Averages just under seven innings per start Three complete games ERA …
Seriously, and what are the chances of that? I was wandering through the aisles, looking for a cheap port wine, when my man Ken texted …
The trade deadline is typically more pomp than circumstance. But this year, with the Sox locked in some sort of offense-draining quagmire and Ortizgate filling …
The news that broke yesterday about David Ortiz being on “the list” of 104 players who tested positive for steroids has me in a funk. …
That’s what it feels like, bro. That’s what it feels like. Oh, and f@#k Giambi.
Reporter: Considering the struggles this team has had scoring runs of late, did you feel that you put your teammates in a difficult position by …
After Tuesday night’s shyte show, I went into last night’s game wanting nothing but carnage and chaos, with the Sox whipping the A’s back into …
Okay, that’s a little harsh. Because The Bot has only blown three saves this season. And Candlebox really, really sucks. But, if nothing else, last …
Sitting at my desk this afternoon, chewing on a particularly dismal ham sandwich, I had a vision. A vision of the Fenway scoreboard flashing the …
Great piece on 12-game winner and Chief Executive Ass Kicker Josh Beckett in today’s Globe, but it would have been even greater if the editor …
If you need to ask why Jim Rice is “the man” then you probably shouldn’t be reading this blog. Here is my favorite part of …
Nobody–and I mean nobody–works a suit, tie and/or shades like Big Jim Ed. That stuff with the bat, yeah, that was impressive, too. But Mr. …
John Smoltz avoided the “one bad inning” syndrome by sucking in all five he pitched today. Is there really anyone left out there that thinks …
Because The New Guy not only belted a home run in his first game as a Red Sox, he also tears it up on the …
The Sox return to Fenway was certainly not the offensive explosion we were hoping for, but we’ll take a win any way we can get …
If you’re heading in to tonight’s Sox-Os game, first, congrats. Second, be advised that The Red Sox Wives will be holding their 18th annual Can …
So we’re coming off a five game losing streak and just lost Mark Kotsay, he of the hot wife, good clubhouse karma and world’s most …
Cashman: Well, I just pulled it. Headwarmer: Congratulations. And I pray to god you’re not talking about your worthless pecker. Cashman: I’m talking about the …
No game tonight? No problem. Your boyfriends at Surviving Grady have got you covered, with the following video suggestions that are far less exciting than …
I was being honest when I predicted that 2009 would be the Year of the Looger. Sadly, it is not to be, at least not …
After another disappointing showing by the offense, the Red Sox pulled the trigger to add a bat to the line-up. Hunter Strickland (Portland SS) and …
Attention, please. This is the Ellis Burks Glamour Shot talkin’. And for too long, my cardboard brothers and I have sat back in silence. While …
We all know that after a grueling three hours of rocking on the bench, begging his offense to come through for him and praying against …
I’m calling the Great John Smoltz Experiment a failure. The guy has managed just one win while compiling a 6.31 ERA. Would have been a …
When Millwood left Smoltz, he was but a learner, but now he is the master. Or something like that. Alls I know is Thoroughly Modern …
For a long time, perhaps too long as our man Chad Finn suggests, WEEI has been the bastion of sports radio in this fine city. …
Sometimes you come across a couple photos that really need no set-up or introduction at all. Their inherent awesomeness speaks for itself. Ladies and gentlemen, …