“Owned by the Royals in five straight games? Dudes, grab a cold one and a couple foreign chicks and give it up. Next year’s only …
I’m sure I’ve said this before. But considering the way we fought back, how this thing slipped away, the team we were playing and the …
Yesterday, as you may recall, I asked for white baseball player afros that could best the mighty Don Sutton’s. Well, the votes are in. And… …
Hey, congratulations on that no-hitter. What? That no-hitter last night. Over Arizona. Congrats. That was Anibal Sanchez, fool. I’m Isabel Sanford. Oh. Thanks anyway, Red. …
A spark. It can be defined as “anything that activates or stimulates; inspiration or catalyst” or “a trace of life or vitality.” In the case …
Critical hits when we need them most? A solid starting pitching performance from Julian Tavarez? Walk-off home-run by some kid from the goddam Yankees’ AAA …
Labor Day. A bit of a chill in the air and finally some sunshine here in Boston. But still cloudy and rainy in the hearts …
Well…not quite down the drain yet, but spiraling faster with every loss. I have gone on record as refusing to give up hope, and I …
Sometimes, you just have to hand it to the Shaughn. This is one of those times. Everyone at SG sends well wishes and positive vibes …
Dude. Boomer’s gone. Sure, I’m sad. Because it more or less signals the official “wavin’ of the white flag” on the 2006 season. But far …
In today’s Globe, Gordon Edes asks the Sox what sort of welcome home they anticipate from the fans at Fenway. Kevin Youkilis responds with, “Are …
Suddenly, October’s looking pretty open on my calendar. Yours? Yet, I must continue to pray, pray, pray because, as has been well documented here over …
We joke, we kid, we take Kyle Snyder’s name in vain. We do these things because we love. Because we live and die a little …
Red: [Pushes TV out window.] Okay. Swept by Seattle. They’re done. Red: No, they’re not. Red: [confused] Who are you? Red: I’m you. Your internal …
Did you just hear a toilet flushing? I swear I just heard a toilet flushing. Yeah, something definitely just got flushed.
OK, just a few short days ago I committed to stick with this team until the end. You may not have read the fine print …
In the Bizarro world, Curt Schilling is like 20-3 this season. Seriously, since Wake came up lame, Curt seems to have inherited the “sorry, but …
My coworkers know when the Red Sox are pulling a west coast trip. That’s when they find my head in the fish tank. Or under …
I feel asleep in a NyQuil-induced haze around 9:45 last night. How did the Sox do? We won? Excellent. On another note, when will the …
What is wrong with me? I see my beloved team treated like a bunch of sissies on the playground and run home crying, yet I …
They’re not dead, our boys. Not by a long shot. But in the aftermath of The Series About Which We Shall No Longer Speak, I’m …
On Friday, the first game of The Series About Which We Shall No Longer Speak featured Wang vs. Johnson. Wang vs. Johnson. How the hell …
No more talk of payrolls. No more talk of deadline trades not made. No more talk of injuries. When you shine the cold light of …
Here’s everything you need to know about yesterday’s game in a nutshell: In the bottom of the fourth, down 3-0, we came screaming back with …
Holy god. Not how we wanted to open the series, on the business end of an epic thumping. But, of course, we had Johnson on …
You know that feeling as a kid where you couldn’t wait to run downstairs on Christmas morning because you were dying to see if Santa …
It is the most maddening aspect of the game, yet it is the beauty of the game. One night a superstar takes the mound or …
Ladies and gentlemen, dudes and dudettes, fans of Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation alike, I have been to the other side. And …
The Sox drop the first installment of Danger Week, leaving me with a slightly sour feeling in my gut. As well as several questions. 1) …
There it is. Right there. See that? The Papel-Bot, giving his boy Lowell the glad hand. The “beers on me all f–king week, my man!” …
What is better than laying around on a beautiful summer Sunday basking in the afterglow of a great Red Sox win? Well, there may be …
Break out the cliches: home cookin’, friendly Fenway, while the cat’s away…OK, that last one doesn’t make any sense but you know what I mean. …
On the bright side: — Nobody got shot. — Julian Tavarez kept his pants on for the full nine innings, as best I can tell. …
Two years ago, I counted ’em out. They were totally Heston in The Omega Man, just joggin’ around the deserted streets, waiting to get picked …