To Market, To Market
Just how profitable will the Red Sox signing of Matsuzaka be? Hard to say, but it’s a safe bet they will recoup their $51 million, …
Just how profitable will the Red Sox signing of Matsuzaka be? Hard to say, but it’s a safe bet they will recoup their $51 million, …
This time of year, Heat Miser, Rudolph and that elf dentist get all the love. But Christmas nerds like myself know that there are a …
Hello. Good morning. Three quick things, then you can all get on with your day. 1) According to Mark Bellhorn’s entry on Wikipedia, the former …
Here at Surviving Grady, we don’t have a lot of pride sources to point to at the end of a long, hard day. Sure, there’s …
Seeing Wade Boggs in pinstripes was a strange thing. Seeing Roger put them on was even stranger (though, oddly, not as weird as seeing his …
It’s the holiday season. So sue us if we wanna spread a little love in small, easy-to-digest chunks. Starting today. Most Underrated Moment of the …
It’s Sunday, the hot stove has cooled down, the holidays are coming, what else? Another T.O. scandal in the news. The Celts won their fifth …
In what seems to be an effort to erase any evidence of the 2004 championship team, the Red Sox have announced their new broadcast team. …
Suddenly, Daisuke is everywhere. At the airports. Flitting through Mass General. Knocking down John Henry on the Fenway green. Last night, he was at the …
Plane arrives. Wheelbarrows full of cash are piled into Boras’ trunk. Mass General docs stand at the ready to administer critical blood analysis and that …
As a kid, part of the fun of going to a Sox game — besides watching Uncle Pete get drunk and try to punch out …
Apparently, the time for the big pants is now. John Henry’s pulling out the private plane, for chrissakes. And you now how pale he is… …
I’m not at the point I want to shoot anyone, but Mondays after an un-Patriot-like beatdown in Miami yesterday are tough. I was as sure …
In my “book of best Saturdays” you will find no mention of December 9, 2006. After an open bar Christmas party Friday night, I drag …
So what? Let ’em have Pettitte and his long horse-face and his ultra-pretentious “I spell my name with four Ts, thank you very much” ways. …
Anyone who follows Star Trek — and it’s quite possible I’ve just lost half our readership with those five words — knows that when it …
Larry Legend turns 50 today. Thanks for the memories #33. The million-dollar contracts continue being tossed around the winter meetings like dollar bills at a …
The much-rumored deals have finally been confirmed. JD Drew and Julio Lugo will both be wearing Red Sox colors next season. As if we haven’t …
Day one of the winter meetings is in the books and we’ve got nothing to show for it but more rumors. I guess I’m getting …
It’s true. Red has left the building on one of his frequent “business trips” to parts unknown. He claims Florida, where the winter meetings start …
John Cameron, that is. Screw Patrick. I’m out ’til Friday. In the meantime, please allow Denton to entertain you with his infamous “man who conveniently …
Michael Richards goes on a tirade filled with the worst racial slurs and “historical” references during a nightclub act. Larry Johnson states he hates taking …
Just some random stuff, in no particular order. — The D’s new film, Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny, gets no love at the …
Can you ever get too much Manny trade talk? I hate to say it, but I think this time it’s for real. The inexplicable desire …
Dear Theo, Larry, John, Tom, Peabo, “Scones,” and Aggie: Hello. Red here. I know you’re busy, but I just had a coupla things to say. …
Pulling my head out of the Hot Stove for just a few moments… You know how you pick up a CD or download a song …
From SF Gate: New celebrity couple Jessica Biel and Derek Jeter sparked outrage when their public display of affection at an exhibition left art fans …
I think it is safe to say the so-called market correction in Major League baseball has run its course. The old economy is the new …
Just when I was hoping all this J.D. Drew nonsense had evaporated, today’s Globe tells us that the Sox continue to plug away under the …
No more Alice’s restaurant for another year. BC pissed away a chance for a shot at the ACC championship.Take the day off, RSN. Loosen up …
To everyone who drops by this site on a regular or semi-regular basis to get their full day supply of vitamin silly, rage against the …
I’ve said this so many times in the past, i’ve actually reduced it to a form letter: Dear [local journalist’s name here]: Thanks for your …
From today’s Globe: For all the positive vibes generated by the dinner, negotiations on a contract may yet take on a different tenor. Neither side …
I heard about this on the news today. Then got home and actually watched the video. Apparently, Michael “Kramer” Richards went nuts during a recent …
Something tells me we’re gonna miss the Great Gonzo. And on top of it, we miss out on Soriano, who had long been at the …