"I’m a Little Man. I’m a Little Man."
Oh, screw you, Kevin Millar. I’ve reached my breaking point with you. And I was willing to look the other way for a long, long …
Oh, screw you, Kevin Millar. I’ve reached my breaking point with you. And I was willing to look the other way for a long, long …
Not me. The team is still in first and six out of the next nine games are with Tampa and KC. Time to start treating …
How many times have we heard that over the past few seasons? Or just in the past week? Sunday night there was the “wall incident”, …
Best win of the season. Am I crazy to call it that? Certainly the best win since that last game I called the best win …
‘Cause when a long-legged lovely walks byYeah you can see the look in her eye~Billy Idol A hot steamy day at the ballpark in Boston. …
He was gloriously scuzzy, looking more like the guy who tries to sell you a John Deere tractor at Home Depot than the guy you’d …
Steinbrenner here. How is everybody in second place Red Sox Nation feeling this morning? A little queasy? A little bit like the scared kid who …
Okay, that one hurt. I was ready to let it go. Let it just walk away like a girl who’d wronged me too many times. …
Last year at about this time, the Red Sox were floundering. Lowe and Wakefield were pitching BP and Foulke had blown 3 out of his …
A good night means a short post-game press conference. Which leaves more time for your “alternative” hobbies. When it’s against the Yankees, bartenders will often …
It could have been worse. Kenny Loggins could have sung the National Anthem. They could have stopped the game in the seventh inning to show …
Who would pay $135 to go watch a ballgame on TV? Not even a real game, but an exhibition game? Well…me…and 999 other Red Sox …
All Stars on the field. Jack Asses in the broadcast booth. Yes, I’m “one of those guys” who actually tries to enjoy the all-star break. …
Yesterday’s game proved one thing: the All Star break couldn’t come at a better time. The team looked flat, the line-up makeshift, and the bullpen …
The good news: A great game, punctuated by an excellent performance from Arroyo [two runs over 7 2/3 innings] and a Spiderman-esque line drive snare …
The “Alex Extravaganza”Alex CoraAlex LifesonAlex P. KeatonAlex KarrasAlexander GouldJane AlexanderArt AlexakisJason AlexanderMark Bellhorn The “Former Players With Goofy Names” BitDwayne HoseyBrian LooneyGreg PirklChris SnopekMidre CummingsEd …
Eight and two-thirds innings. Nine strikeouts, 0 walks. Was it enough? Did Matt Clement’s near-complete game put him in the driver’s seat for the final …
Red: Didya see the catch? Guy in Next Office: Good game. Wakefield pitched a hell of a game. Red: Hells yeah. But did you see …
Sunburned, dog-tired, undernourished and munched by black flies, I got my sorry ass back from New Hampshire just in time for the fifth inning. And …
The starting pitcher was gone. The manager was gone. And the 0-2 pitch to Manny was gone. A bizarre night at Fenway with Wells getting …
“I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events have controlled me”~Abraham Lincoln And so was the case last night. Bad pitching, …
Here we are. July 1st. According to the calendar it is the halfway point of the baseball season. And I would have to say, all …
Kenny Rogers is angry. I know this, because I saw videotape of him trying to rassle a balding cameraman about half his size. Then he …
They’re going to kill me, these bullpen peoples. In 2005, every pitch from Keith Foulke has been a top-down, balls-out ride on the Holy Christ! …
‘Round this time last week in Cleveland, the Injuns had won nine in a row and were rolling to the point that the local Arby’s …
Don Orsillo: The magic is back, and when I say “the magic,” I mean the Sox applying a generous helping of beat-down on opposing teams. …
Papi launches one to the sixth ring of Saturn. Wakefield gets his knuckle mojo on. Manny hands “Last Month Manny” his passport and suitcase and …
We were born into this hot, sticky quagmire. Told from day one to expect nothing but heartache and silver-toed boots to the nuggets. Our grandfathers …
Seven innings in the books and the Sox are trailing 4-2. They’ve struggled against a tough lefty, and Alan “Jet Plane” Embree (his ERA is …
So you’re the Cleveland Indians. You’ve got it going on, having swept three consecutive series against the Giants, Rockies and D’Backs, by a total margin …
You know how you watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre* and you sit there knowing that Leatherface is coming out of the goddam hole in the …
So after paying $300 for seats [to one of the city’s more “reputable” scalpers], you sit your ass down in Fenway’s section 16, and then …
And while you’re at it, respect Mueller, Tek, Damon, Foulke and even Millar. Last night was the definition of a team victory. Everyone in the …
The Pirates are in town tonight, which means it’s time to sing the praises of my favorite Pirate ever, Willie Stargell. Dude hit 475 home …
First things first: I didn’t see any of last night’s game. Instead, I was careening 37,000 feet above the earth, praying to any deity I …