Here’s to Sox Games in October… and a Wish for Several More.
No bets. No guarantees. No braggadocio. No “Here we come, Tampa Bay.” Although I hated the outcome, last night’s Sox loss was everything you could …
No bets. No guarantees. No braggadocio. No “Here we come, Tampa Bay.” Although I hated the outcome, last night’s Sox loss was everything you could …
Every time I see Mikey “Scenic” Lowell hobbling to the plate or contorting his body in the field, I think two things. The first is, …
You’re lying. If the minute you heard the words “Javy Lopez coming in to pitch,” you didn’t know this thing was over, you’re a filthy …
Am I tempting fates by calling for the sweep? Hell no, I’ve been calling for it since the series started. The hard part is over. …
Easy. Because tonight, Commander Kick Ass of the F@#k Yeah Brigade, as we have so christened him, will be tussling with Anaheim in what could …
And if he can do it, gentle reader, so can we. Game three in less than 16 hours. Can you dig it?
Sorry, baby. But they’re the defending world champs. That’s just how it’s got to be.
Some days, I just can’t recognize my pre-2004 self. The guy who knew nothing but bitter failure. Nails on chalkboards. Knees to nutsacks. The guy …
1:28am: Sox win! I collapse. Drunk, bloated. Oddly satisfied. F@#k you, K-Rod. And piss on you, Rally Monkey. This is Red, signing off. 1:24am: YOUK …
Tonight’s a big game, alright, sir. If we take it, I’d say the ALDS is fait accompli. Because I can’t imagine the Angels taking two …
Back in 1986, when they represented the entire state of California, not just the people’s republic of Anaheim, the Angels were one strike away from …
What must the Angels be thinking? Beckett pushed back, Manny gone, Lowell and Drew held together with duct tape and prayers, and still the Red …
Which of the following ties requires more “D” batteries? The answer, of course, is Jim Ed’s, although Sager gets bonus points for pairing that tie …
No Beckett? No problem. Jon Lester has been doling out the awesome by the metric ton this season, and last night/this morning’s blockbuster performance in …
Listen, on paper, the Angels are gonna walk all over us. Ties us up in knots and hang us out to dry. Toss us in …
OK ladies, check your calendars, it’s October. That means no more sissy-ball, it’s go time. Izzy Mandelbaum here, and I don’t take kindly to any …
Beside the Sox-Angels, one series I’ll be watching with great enthusiasm is the Dodgers-Cubs mash-up. Tonight, old pal D-Lowe–the subject of some bizarre rumors that …
In my illustrious career as a Red Sox fan, I’ve had the good fortune and privilege to attend a handful of postseason games at Fenway …
Superman: Folks, I’m not from this world. But I have vowed to protect my adopted homeland from evil in its various forms–including super villians, nuclear …
The regular season ended on a rainsoaked diamond with a split with New York. Lowell and Drew are hurtin’. And now we learn Commander Kick …
Today, the big, messy epic that was the 2008 regular season draws to a close with two games at Fenway Park against our emasculated arch-rivals, …
In the absence of Red Sox baseball, instead of filling the void with cheap booze and Twinkies, I decided to catch a movie. Figuring Clooney, …
The last time the Yankees came into our house and administered a 19-8 beating was game three of the 2004 ALCS. The only difference last …
Note to self: When your crazy friend from Arkansas contacts you and says, “Hey let’s go out somewhere and watch the Sox game,” what she …
Red seems to have given up on the division almost as fast as he gave up on his dreams of being the next great puppeteer. …
In advance of next week’s showdown with the Angels, we thought we’d take a quick video tour down memory lane, and revisit the last three …
After the late hours and clubhouse hijinks last night, I was happy to see Heidi looking clean and lucid during the NESN pre-game. Also good …
A buddy of mine, a New York Yankees fan (yes, I fraternize with those types on occasion, although I always have my hands sterilized immediately …
Back when I was a wee lad, Red Sox playoff berths were like UFO sightings–very rare, and when they did happen, they usually ended with …
Tonight, Tim Wakefield will attempt to lead our troops to the promised land. The land of October baseball. It will not be easy. In fact, …
What is there to say about Johnny Pesky that hasn’t already been said? According to the Red Sox will break their policy for retiring …
All things considered, I’d rather just pay the regular price, thanks. On paper, this one was a no brainer. Josh Beckett. Commander Kick Ass himself. …
Here we go again. So close to first place we can taste it. And it’s a familiar and oh-so-delicious taste. Like a Cinnabon. Or an …
The embarrassment of playoff riches we’ve enjoyed for much of the past few years can’t erase the lean years. The years when ’round these parts, …