
Apparently not content to be a member of the 500 club and legend of baseball, David Ortiz recently revealed to the Players’ Tribune that his dream job would be… a porn star.


In that same piece, one of the Tribune’s popular “What the (Blank)” player questionnaires, Ortiz also indicates that his favorite guilty pleasure song is “I like big butt” even though no such song exists. Sure, he’s probably just mistaking this for the title of Sir Mix-A-Lot’s classic “Baby Got Back.” Or is he revealing a little too much about his off-field endeavors for my taste? He also drops the oft-quoted lyric “I love it when you call me Big Poppa,” which, frankly, has taken on a whole new and slightly disturbing meaning for me.

Either way, here’s hoping that when he retires, he can hook up with Julian Tavarez — who harbored the same porn star dreams — to secure some post-retirement income.

H/T to Yahoo Big League Stew.