Dear Major League Baseball
Screw you. Seriously, a 2:20pm start for today’s earth-crunching, baseball-lover’s wet dream of a match-up between the Red Sox and Cubs? I know it’s Wrigley …
Screw you. Seriously, a 2:20pm start for today’s earth-crunching, baseball-lover’s wet dream of a match-up between the Red Sox and Cubs? I know it’s Wrigley …
Remember how you felt after Game Seven of the 2003 ALCS? Throat all knotted up. Dry heaves at the office. Senses dulled. Blood heated. Lungs …
Dearest Thaddeus. This is Red, the man your parents, for some inexplicable reason, have entrusted to guide you through this life if, God help us, …
Johnny Damon, I’m sorry I ever doubted you. Sorry I ever thought that your wedding and book signings and TV appearances and banjo tour of …
Anything can happen. That was the goddam mission statement of the 2004 Red Sox season. One minute we’re watching our boys go down three games …
Four innings deep and it looked like a replay of Monday night’s game. Nothing doing offensively, with each successive Sox at-bat about as alluring as …
Our boy Brandon on the business end of an uncharacteristic shelling. The bats that came to life in New York lulled back to sleep by …
Key hits from the guys who needed to deliver them most? Check. [Most pleasing was Edgah’s grand slam.] Another exceptional performance by Matt “Send it …
Hey, it’s only May, right? Right? Not much more I can say other than the Sox had ample opportunity to put this one away, and …
Read all about it here. Or you could just pay someone to tap your nuts with a hammer.
Remember how Kevin Spacey won an Oscar for American Beauty? Dude was so good in the flick, we were able to overlook such follow-up tripe …
Okay, Red Sox, I have to admit. As much as I love you guys, you weren’t my first choice last night. I had originally planned …
[With apologies to McSweeney’s] June 9, 1863Brandy Station, Virginia General Robert E. Lee: Men, I know these last few weeks have been hard. But we’ve …
In San Diego for a conference last week. One of the most gorgeous cities on the planet and I’m confined mostly to sterile hotel conference …
The Cro-Magnon: A throwback to a simpler time, when men roamed the land free from taxation, fast food restaurants, and the threat of a Bad …
One of my sisters knew Bernie Logue, the Red Sox clubhouse cook who died earlier this week, and she attended his wake this evening in …
Is there anything cooler than the walk-off home run? After a couple of fielding errors by Millar had us screaming for the return of Nick …
Whenever the A’s roll into town, I get the impression that the Sox view ’em in the same way that Spider-Man would view one of …
At la casa de Red, we uphold the sanctity of Mother’s Day. Specifically, we clean up our act, particularly when it comes to watching the …
First of all, can I just say thank you to NESN for going above and beyond to keep Boston fans ass-deep in Red Sox programming? …
Just your basic, solid win as the Sox take their second in a row in Detroit, leapfrogging Toronto in the standings to claim second place …
“Alright. I’ll say it. Your team is suckin’ wind. Barkin’ like a pack of dogs. I see it, y’all see it. And, yeah, it’s early, …
You know that feeling you get when you watch the movie Alien — the one that Ridley Scott did, not all that crap that followed …
Bronson Arroyo on the Tampa Bay beanball fracas, from this morning’s NESN Sports Desk:Bronson Arroyo: “It’s part of the game. It’s like going into second …
48 hours without a game has siphoned away my last few ounces of mojo. So instead of an actual post, I’m just emptying my head …
Thanks to my internet wife, Annette, for pointing out that Surviving Grady [along with Boston Dirt Dogs] was listed as one of the Intern’s “Links …
Last night, as the ugliest Sox game since that 19-8 drubbing in the 2004 ALCS unfolded, I flipped over to MTV, eager for a little …
I’ve been noticing a disturbing trend as I watch this season’s games, including last night’s fugfest. I’m just too goddamn happy. Seriously. It’s bothering the …
I dig the long ball. Love those 10-0 blow-outs where the offense is all keyed up like Caine in Kung Fu, splintering stadium walls and …
1. First things first: David Wells squaring off against the best-hitting team in baseball. Coming in, I will admit, I wasn’t feeling the love. In …
Back in February, when I was selected for the chance to purchase Monster seat tickets through, I targeted games scheduled for months when, y’know, …
First, as I type this, Survivor’s Greatest Hits is playing in the background. Amazingly, it contains 11 songs. All of them performed by Survivor. Go …
So we take a gulp, to the tune of 5-2. The offense couldn’t deliver the knock-out slap when Jaret Wright was on the ropes, and …
Admit it. You thought this had the markings of World War III. Our hated rivals in the house for the first time since the ALCS. …