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Folks, my mind is an eternal Yankees elimination party. It rages 24/7, there’s free drinks and steak for everyone, and after midnight we give Ron …
Folks, my mind is an eternal Yankees elimination party. It rages 24/7, there’s free drinks and steak for everyone, and after midnight we give Ron …
The only good things I can say about yesterday’s loss to the Phillies are as follows: 1) It closes out this mercifully brief interleague fling. …
We’ll take a win, because winning is nice and we like it. Especially when it’s fueled exclusively by home runs by Papi, Tek and Scenic …
Coupla things: First, anyone who reads this blog regularly knows I loves me some Hazel Mae. She doesn’t come quite to the level of Kelly …
We knew this ridiculous stretch against the Orioles couldn’t last. Like all good things in life, it had to eventually end. My hope, however, was …
So much rain and everything damp, cold and wet, I’m starting to feel like Rick Deckard, sloshing around 2019 Los Angeles. And while it’s only …
Hey, at least the Yawkey Way Braintrust had the good sense to call this one before packing the place just to meet the daily hot …
Yeah, this picture pretty much says it all. I’m pulling an Eternal Sunshine and having any traces of last night’s rain-shortened loss purged from my …
“You called for me, Imperious Leader?” “Indeed. Nice game against the Yanks last night.” “Thank you.” “Games like that restore our faith. Early on, you …
1. Don’t shake off Varitek. 2. Don’t fall asleep at the wheel. After a pasting like Tuesday night’s, I typically anticipate the worst. “I wish …
A couple of predictions before tonight’s ballcrushingly excellent Beckett-Unit match-up: 1) Expect a hit batter. Or two.I think it’s pretty safe to speculate that, like …
There was a time, not so long ago, that a series against the Orioles was a humbling experience. A dressing-down of the highest order. A …
Mad props to Schill, Youk, Papi the Barbarian, and especially Mike Lowell. Folks, when the team broke camp I figgered Mikey to be the official …
“Thanks for coming out today, everyone. I know your time is valuable. I’ll keep this brief.” “Okay.” “You know we have a problem.” “We do?” …
There is no greater buzzkill than the rainout. But when the Yankees are in town? Man, that’s when you figure that the Yawkey Way Brain …
Before the Game: Headwarmer: I see that Mirabelli’s back. Cashman: Very observant, Headwarmer. Headwarmer: Hey, weren’t you trying to snag him to keep him from …
Dear Johnny Damon: Tonight, at 7:05, as my beloved Red Sox take the field against you and your co-workers, I will be sitting comfortably in …
By mid-game, last night’s Florida-fest threatened to be another Timberland to the groin. Another evening of watching helpless as the Rays pummel one of our …
The law of averages dictates that Wily Mo Pena is, at some point this season, going to stop unleashing pure, unadulterated suck by the barrel. …
Got off a plane at Logan last night around the third inning — roughly the time I imagine Theo was phoning Los Bros Hendricks to …
Flipping through the channels last night and I get all caught up in NESN’s rebroadcast of Clemens’ 20-K masterpiece against the Seattle Mariners from 1986. …
You know that scene in Star Wars where Luke and Leia and crew bust ass out of the Death Star toward the Millennium Falcon, stormtroopers …
A game in which Manny hits two home runs, Papi knocks one out as well, and Beckett’s on the hill? Man, that’s a game where …
Actually, it was Blogger, sophisticated piece of machinery that it is, that swallowed things up good, forbidding me entrance this morning, and reducing me to …
Note to NESN, #2881-B: During games such as last night’s, when the proceedings become so one-sided that an opposing team’s hopes just dissipate into the …
We’re 14 games deep and I’ve already had three near-heart attacks. That’s like half my entire 2005 total. And, eerily enough, it seems like this …
Attention Kevin Youkilis: What can I say? I’m sorry. Ever since it was reported that you’d be taking over first base duties, I’ve led a …
…and only two regarding yesterday’s game: 1) When did Tito begin taking hallucinogens? I mean, when he constructed that line-up, did he plan on equipping …
Such a curious thing, this 2006 Red Sox team. Last night’s offensive hero, Alex Gonzalez, began the evening hitting .167. Manny Ramirez looks like a …
Seeing a Sox pitcher get whapped around like a sick bunny for the second night in a row can be disconcerting. And when the Jays …
There are those who pointed to David Wells’ refusal to run the “line o’ high fives” with his teammates during Tuesday’s introduction ceremonies as a …
For the past ten years, Fenway Opening Day has been my Christmas. It’s a holiday. It’s a holy day. It’s a day no work is …
First things first, yesterday’s game was played in Baltimore, right? At Camden Yards? Because unless it was just a souped-up NESN trick, it seemed to …
Some worthless observations after watching the first three games of the season. Josh Beckett + packed house at Fenway is gonna equal unstoppable awesomeness. I’m …
Dude. The Red Sox are going to win the World Series. Alright, maybe that’s too bold a statement. Let’s just say they totally went above …