Towel Meets Floor. Because, Y’know… Someone Threw It In.
Dude. Boomer’s gone. Sure, I’m sad. Because it more or less signals the official “wavin’ of the white flag” on the 2006 season. But far …
Dude. Boomer’s gone. Sure, I’m sad. Because it more or less signals the official “wavin’ of the white flag” on the 2006 season. But far …
In today’s Globe, Gordon Edes asks the Sox what sort of welcome home they anticipate from the fans at Fenway. Kevin Youkilis responds with, “Are …
Suddenly, October’s looking pretty open on my calendar. Yours? Yet, I must continue to pray, pray, pray because, as has been well documented here over …
We joke, we kid, we take Kyle Snyder’s name in vain. We do these things because we love. Because we live and die a little …
Red: [Pushes TV out window.] Okay. Swept by Seattle. They’re done. Red: No, they’re not. Red: [confused] Who are you? Red: I’m you. Your internal …
Did you just hear a toilet flushing? I swear I just heard a toilet flushing. Yeah, something definitely just got flushed.
In the Bizarro world, Curt Schilling is like 20-3 this season. Seriously, since Wake came up lame, Curt seems to have inherited the “sorry, but …
My coworkers know when the Red Sox are pulling a west coast trip. That’s when they find my head in the fish tank. Or under …
I feel asleep in a NyQuil-induced haze around 9:45 last night. How did the Sox do? We won? Excellent. On another note, when will the …
They’re not dead, our boys. Not by a long shot. But in the aftermath of The Series About Which We Shall No Longer Speak, I’m …
On Friday, the first game of The Series About Which We Shall No Longer Speak featured Wang vs. Johnson. Wang vs. Johnson. How the hell …
Here’s everything you need to know about yesterday’s game in a nutshell: In the bottom of the fourth, down 3-0, we came screaming back with …
Holy god. Not how we wanted to open the series, on the business end of an epic thumping. But, of course, we had Johnson on …
You know that feeling as a kid where you couldn’t wait to run downstairs on Christmas morning because you were dying to see if Santa …
Ladies and gentlemen, dudes and dudettes, fans of Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation alike, I have been to the other side. And …
The Sox drop the first installment of Danger Week, leaving me with a slightly sour feeling in my gut. As well as several questions. 1) …
There it is. Right there. See that? The Papel-Bot, giving his boy Lowell the glad hand. The “beers on me all f–king week, my man!” …
On the bright side: — Nobody got shot. — Julian Tavarez kept his pants on for the full nine innings, as best I can tell. …
Two years ago, I counted ’em out. They were totally Heston in The Omega Man, just joggin’ around the deserted streets, waiting to get picked …
Okay, what I said yesterday. About us being toast if we can’t sweep the Royals? Let me backtrack a bit and adjust that statement to …
We didn’t just lose to the Royals. No way that just happened. I must have dozed off… missed the end of the game. I bet …
I’ve been thinking. Uh oh. You know how Hideki Matsui is one of the pre-eminent collectors of Japanese pornography? I’ve heard his collection is quite …
Another ball-crunching loss to the Rays. Further slippage in the standings. A guy named “Corky” behind the plate. Things ain’t good, folks, but they aren’t …
Last night’s game really hinged on two moments. In the second inning, we had the bases loaded, and the Injuns walked Ortiz to get to …
Once again, we were toast. Done. Deader than the T-bone I left on the grill about five minutes too long, reducing it to a slightly …
Man, if Monday night’s game was The Empire Strikes Back, then last night’s was The Phantom Menace. Bunches of us sitting around with our Sox …
Smell this one, nerd. Props to my man Curtis Interruptus for the post title. And dig on more captions in yesterday’s comments.
It’s official: David Ortiz is f–king ridiculous. Not that this wasn’t pretty much accepted fact before last night’s heroics. Before His Royal Badness thumped a …
Being on the business end of a beat down like that is never a good thing. But when it occurs on the same day that …
Best thing about last night’s game: That ovation for Cabby when he stepped to the plate in the first. Is there anyone who cultivated such …
Trading deadline comin’ up. Comin’ at ya. Time to start sizing up Cory Lidle and John Lieber. And there’s that nervous feeling in your gut, …
Note to everyone at my office: Today, I’m all about the happy. Seriously, if you’re looking to lay a ton of paperwork at someone’s feet, …
Whenever I’m watching one of those post-game interviews where Tina Curvaceous chats up Terry Francona, there are certain moments I expect — and in many …
Back in the day, the good folks at Marvel Comics created a title called “What If,” which gave them the opportunity to explore such topics …
First off, is it just me or is Jon Lester the world’s oldest looking 22 year-old? I swear when I watch his conferences I’m looking …