Manny Ramirez Says: "Welcome to the Bigs, Freddy Dolsi. Here’s That Cockpunch You Ordered."
When you’re a rookie pitcher and your first assignment in the Bigs is to tangle with Manny Ramirez, you probably have to ask yourself what, …
When you’re a rookie pitcher and your first assignment in the Bigs is to tangle with Manny Ramirez, you probably have to ask yourself what, …
Last week, I wrote about how I sometimes miss Nomar. Denton saw the post and called me an idiot. I said, “screw you.” He paid …
If someone tapped me on the shoulder back in February and said that Mikey “Scenic” Lowell wouldn’t have his first home run of the 2008 …
Heidi Watney makes her NESN debut tonight (unless, of course, she already made it and we were too drunk to notice). It’s gonna take a …
Today is Monday, May 5. The start of another work week. Time to shake off the beer goggles and wretched hangovers and embarrassing predicaments that …
You know you’re living the high life when you actually get bored of tagging Debbie Clemens. Roger, however, is clearly a man of voracious appetite …
First things first: I didn’t watch a bloody minute of last night’s game. I hung around til 9-ish, waiting and hoping I’d see some hot …
After Coco flew out lazily to end the game, I figured it might just take more than a night with some Chelsea hookers to spark …
Ever get to meet your favorite musicians? I took in last night’s Was (Not Was) show at Johnny D’s–my first time in this legendary establishment–and …
See, you got these horses. And a horse that can run, that’s what he’s gonna do. He’s gonna run. If you’re gonna bet on the …
Now that’s how you break a losing streak. A taut pitcher’s duel, some ass-droppingly good glovework, at least three or four guys you could point …
Look here, land dwellers. The guy’s finally seeing some big league action. Think he’s gonna just sit back and let Doc Halladay mow down his …
::Looks around::::Shuts off phone::::Locks door::::Checks outside window::::Locks window::::Closes blinds::::Draws shades::::Double locks door::::Turns off lights::::Opens basement door::::Heads down stairs::::Turns off light::::Opens door to secret “sub-basement”::::Gets in, …
Folks, you’ve been forced to endure NESN’s “The Adventures of Ellsbury ‘n’ Elf” here at for some time now. But did you ever wonder …
Okay, so the guy I mocked in the previous post turned in a complete game gem, shutting us down like a rusty old lamp and …
When your losing streak hits four games, when you find yourselves on the business-end of two back-to-back bitch-slappings by the perennial AL East cellar dwellers, …
Yeah, the bullpen took what could have been Justin Masterson’s first big-league win and promptly flushed it down the Beemis. But that doesn’t mean we …
Justin Masterson gets the call for today’s series finale against the Angels, as pretty much every other available pitcher on the team is down and …
The latest player to fall victim to the clubhouse flu is Daisuke “He Who I Just Can’t Bring Myself to Call Dice-K” Matsuzaka. So tonight, …
As savvy readers of this here blog will recall, it was a dark day for me when the Mouth of Truth was dispatched by NESN …
It’s almost hard to believe that there was a time in my life when I expected the Red Sox to find bold new ways to …
If there’s one team we’ve become pretty handy at mopping up the floor with, a team whose playoff dreams we’ve shattered into a million tiny …
Ladies and gents, I have a confession. Yesterday afternoon, for the first time in a long time, I took the name of Manny in vain. …
Last night, when it became apparent that Josh Beckett was like the 400-pound gorilla they simply weren’t going to knock off the bicycle, the Yankees …
You know what’s even cooler than watching Manny swat home runs as casually as the average man pours a bowl of Cookie Crisp? It’s watching …
… sooner or later, everyone takes a beating. And that was one ugly, ugly beating, low-lighted by some ass-tearingly bad pitching. Buchholz was dismal, giving …
Wang versus Buchholz sounds like the title of some bad 70s porn movie. The type that involves at least one line of dialogue like, “Hey, …
Red: If you’re talking the single most bizarre moment in any Red Sox game, let alone a Sox-Yankees mash-up, it has to be that bit …
I think I’ve reached the point where I enjoy seeing the Red Sox beat the Cleveland Indians even more than seeing them beat the Yankees. …
At least we hope to, as Wakefield takes on Paul Byrd, a guy who looks oddly enough like the dude who works in your office …
It’s sometimes creepy to think that if the Sox had landed Mike Mussina back in the day, we might have never signed Manny Ramirez. So …
The last time the Sox were here, the Injuns tried to throw Commander Kick Ass off his game by using the old “Hey, here’s that …
Cashman: They’re a good team, those Red Sox. I have to give them that. Headwarmer: You pitched to Manny with first base open, didn’t you? …
For those of you keeping score, last week, a Sox-loving construction worker confessed to burying an Ortiz jersey in the new Yankee Stadium. According to …
Ortiz is hitting .077. Timlin boasts a 54.00 ERA. The Sox have taken out the basement apartment in the American League East. And, honestly, I …