If there’s one team we’ve become pretty handy at mopping up the floor with, a team whose playoff dreams we’ve shattered into a million tiny pieces on at least three occasions during my lifetime, a team we regard with the casual air of indifference like Indiana Jones rolling his eyes at that Arab swordsman before blowing him away in Raiders of the Lost Ark, it’s the Anaheim Angels. Tonight — provided Timlin and Beckett don’t hijack the team bus on the Mass Pike to administer wet willies, indian burns and cotton-enema wedgies — they’re back in town. Commander Kick Ass versus Jered Weaver? I think the MLB mugshots tell you everything you need to know about this one:

“Must… kill… everything.”

“Foot long subs. Daughtry CDs. Dude.”

The stats aren’t any prettier for Anaheim; as today’s Globe tells us, Weaver is 0-1 in two career starts at Fenway with a 7.36 ERA, and 0-2 overall against the Sox in four outings with a 4.70 ERA.

The winning streak hits six games? It could happen, my friends.