A Victory Over the Blue Jays is a Victory for America!
Not since the infamous Operation Canuck of 1978, in which then-President Carter ordered all Canadians out of the United States, have I been this happy …
Not since the infamous Operation Canuck of 1978, in which then-President Carter ordered all Canadians out of the United States, have I been this happy …
I can’t believe I’ve been staring at that mug for so long… and only now have come to the conclusion that he must be called …
Thank God. That’s the first thought that crept into my mind when Ortiz unfurled those tree-limb arms and crushed his first home run of the …
I’ll be at tonight’s game with First Officer Rousseaux (AKA Curtis). We’ll be drinking, cursing, Heidi-stalking, Cito-dissing and generally doing the things that half-assed white …
I’ve made no secret of my love for local rock star, Friend of Gammons and all-around nice guy Bill Janovitz of Buffalo Tom. Now the …
Earlier this month, when the great Dom DeLuise passed, I asked the Sox to win that night’s game for Dom. “Not DiMaggio,” I wrote, “Dom …
File another chapter in the ongoing, ever-baffling tale of Tim Wakefield. Last time out, he gets a “Shawshank Special” from the Anaheim Angels, giving up …
Tonight’s a magical night at the Fens. Not because the boys are back home after a most wretched road trip, but because it marks the …
That Jon Lester would start off 2-4 with a 6.51 ERA: Hey, even Superman got his ass handed to him by Phineas the Wonder Pony …
How good is Jason Bay these days? So good, he’s even upsetting team mascots. And watching that silly ass moose’s head swivel when Bay connected …
I awoke this morning on the left coast to two messages: SG had won NE Blog of the Year… and Youk was hitting the 15-day …
After six days without his greasy mug in the line-up, I have to say, I miss just seeing Kevin Youkilis play, let alone the one …
It’s getting so that I just expect incredible things from Jason Bay every time he steps to the plate. Runner on base? He’ll knock ’em …
In Red Sox history, the legend of Dublin’s own Troy O’Leary looms large. He was one of the least threatening guys in the game — …
I gotta admit, I never feel good taking on Scott Kazmir. But today… today I’ve got that “Lester vibe.” I’m calling for a Sox victory. …
Attention, Red Sox management: During this afternoon’s Sox-Rays mash-up, when you see the plane passing overhead tugging the banner that says “Pay Bay!”, just know …
Okay, well, I’ll get right to the bad news. Lieutenant Remy is down for the count. Won’t be back for a while. Shit. It’s the …
Once in a while, you’re gonna have your shyte games. Last night was a shyte game. So we’ll focus on some of the positive things: …
NESN reports the sad news that Jerry Remy will be taking an indefinite leave of absence as he recovers from cancer surgery. Well, sad in …
Folks, I love the Red Sox like Roger Ebert loves some hot cupcake-on-cupcake action. But the photo above, from redsox.com, is just about the creepiest …
Jason Bay. Jason Bay. Say it with me. Jason Bay. Better yet, sing it with me. “Jason Bay.” Just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it? …
No, not DiMaggio. Dom DeLuise, who, sadly, passed away today. Rest in peace, Dom. And as they stare down Commander Kick Ass tonight, may many …
I can’t possibly be the only one who thinks Rice’s playoff beard makes him look almost exactly like one of those old school “G.I. Joe” …
With Dave Roberts, Eck and DO — who will be known as The Triumvirate of Awesome from this day forward — working the booth for …
Dan at Red Sox Monster has found some great pics from yesterday’s “Star Wars Day” celebration at McCoy. As a card-carrying nerd, I have to …
I found myself playing the role of the optimist after yesterday’s loss. Because there’s just nothing healthy about dwelling on whether or not Julio Lugo …
Ortiz has spoken: “This is my seventh year here. If you don’t know me at this point, [expletive], what can I tell you? Who you …
I’ll admit it: When I saw Nick Green and Dustin Pedroia on the verge of collision over a pop fly, miy mind reeled with images …
I can take another loss to the Rays. We always seem to stoke the fires in their bellies when we come to town, and it’s …
Duncan: “Brave Commander Kick Arse–he well deserves that name–disdaining fortune with his brandish’d steel which smoked with bloody execution, carved out his passage. Redoubling strokes …
Tonight, Denton and I are liveblogging the game with the folks from Baseball Daily Digest and, allegedly, some Rays bloggers as well. If nothing else, …
Greatest. News. Ever. NESN announced today that [Dave] Roberts, the former Red Sox outfielder and postseason hero, has joined the network to serve as a …
Only kidding. It’s just us. When Denton and I started this silly-ass blog back in 2004, we did it for one reason: It was cheaper …
That was pretty much vancredible. Especially since it looked out of reach early on, as Lester struggled yet again, giving up 5 runs over the …
A couple readers pointed out that TC’s goatee, to which I’ve now dedicated about 500 posts, is not the product of sudden hipster tendencies or …