Opening Day, Take Two
Okay, we’ve got a rested and refreshed and no doubt alcohol-fueled Josh Beckett on the hill against a Tampa Bay team that’s earned the respect …
Okay, we’ve got a rested and refreshed and no doubt alcohol-fueled Josh Beckett on the hill against a Tampa Bay team that’s earned the respect …
The Yankees officially opened the Hard Rock Cafe at Yankee Stadium by rolling out all the big guns: Ace Frehley from KISS, the guys from …
So, having been kicked out of every other bar in town, I found myself strolling into a 99 Restaurant the other day, and saw a …
Seen that Sullivan’s Tire ad on that shows Our Man Pedroia signing a baseball glove? I have, too. And I can’t take my eyes …
Real life, AKA the job what pays my bills, has me tangled up in blue this week, so I’m leaving you in the capable hands …
We usually wait until opening day to pull this clip out. But because we’re about to embark upon the longest week of the year–one torturous …
Great piece in the ProJo about how Sox hurlers Brad Penny and Takashi Saito did a little male bonding back in their LA days over–what …
Despite how much it pained me, toward the end of his tenure with the Sox, to watch him lumber to the plate with men in …
I remember the day I found out. I was moving. And you know how it is when you’re moving. Hauling boxes. Feeling every fiber of …
Cashman: (Waking up) What.. what happened? Headwarmer: You fainted. Cashman: I did? Headwarmer: Also, you pissed yourself. See your trousers? They’re wet with your own …
I love the fact that Schilling’s first post-retirement interview isn’t some sit-down in a bunker with Peter Gammons or the subject of a “very special …
Greetings. It is I, that albino astrophysicist dude whose commercials you thrilled to during the 2008 postseason telecasts. I am here to advise you of …
Even though it’s about as anticlimactic as Nathan Lane coming out of the closet, Curt Schilling officially announced his retirement today–and on his blog, no …
But what I do want to talk about is… the Red Sox “two timers.” The re-taking and subsequent dropping of Josh Bard got me thinking …
The Sox’ offseason signing of Rocco Baldelli gives us more than another “good clubhouse chemistry guy” and local-boy-comes-home story. Rocco apparently brings some bass guitar …
We already know that Jonathan Papelbon + microphone = awesome. Lately, however, it seems that Pedroia’s getting all the good lines. Check this bit from …
…I found this simple sentence from the Globe’s Extra bases blog — “Papelbon Touched Again” — to be a thing of absolute beauty. The fact …
Reports indicate that Youk has left the WBC with a sprained ankle, and will undergo an MRI to assess the damage. According to a report …
Full disclaimer: I didn’t have time to conjure the annual St. Patty’s Day SG Music List, so I’m falling back on my favorite–the one I …
One of the reasons I hated to see Jools Tavarez leave town was that the guy was just an endless source of material for us …
Or an ab strain, as it were, that the Mighty Dustin endured in the WBC. Nothing that requires us to gather up the pitchforks and …
Look, I’m all for doing what we can to boost global harmony. Someone in Malaysia lost their house? I’ll grab the toolkit and the next …
I don’t care if it’s David Ortiz vs. Cody Ransom, Jim Rice vs. Reggie Jackson, spring training vs. regular season, Julio Lugo piling up more …
I know that mentioning this on Friday the thirteenth probably isn’t kosher. And will likely set him up for an unfortunate accident involving an ice …
As much as I hate to drudge up any more bits of Mannyphrenalia–the guy helped us win some titles, now he’s gone, end of story–today’s …
So while I’m tearing up the carpets, trying to figure out a way to insert myself into last night’s U2 show in Somerville, my cousin …
So U2’s playing their “secret” gig at the Somerville Theatre tonight, and I don’t have tickets, despite the fact that I once helped Bono break …
Today’s Globe reminds us that Julio “I feel bananas every day” Lugo is leading the Red Sox with a .533 batting average in Grapefruit League …
There’s a great clip at featuring outtakes from the team’s recent photo shoot, in which they recorded some of those goofy-ass PSAs that appear …
The Sox have reportedly signed Jon Lester, the young lefty ace who has truly become the heart and soul of this organization, to a five …
Best thing about today: About a month ’til real baseball starts. Worst thing about today: About a month ’til real baseball starts. If I was …
With all the talk of Drew’s back, Lowell’s hip, Penny’s shoulder and Papi’s knees (God help us), there’s a veritable quagmire of bad vibes to …
Here at SG, we’re not afraid to rally around the important causes. Like scoring Manny Ramirez’s sweet penthouse atop the Ritz-Carlton on the Common. I’m …
Shuffling out for more work-related fun this morning, so it’s a quick one. I picked up U2’s No Line On The Horizon with some trepidation–the …