Happy Day That Brought Us Eric Gagne
The trade deadline is typically more pomp than circumstance. But this year, with the Sox locked in some sort of offense-draining quagmire and Ortizgate filling …
The trade deadline is typically more pomp than circumstance. But this year, with the Sox locked in some sort of offense-draining quagmire and Ortizgate filling …
That’s what it feels like, bro. That’s what it feels like. Oh, and f@#k Giambi.
Reporter: Considering the struggles this team has had scoring runs of late, did you feel that you put your teammates in a difficult position by …
After Tuesday night’s shyte show, I went into last night’s game wanting nothing but carnage and chaos, with the Sox whipping the A’s back into …
Okay, that’s a little harsh. Because The Bot has only blown three saves this season. And Candlebox really, really sucks. But, if nothing else, last …
Sitting at my desk this afternoon, chewing on a particularly dismal ham sandwich, I had a vision. A vision of the Fenway scoreboard flashing the …
Great piece on 12-game winner and Chief Executive Ass Kicker Josh Beckett in today’s Globe, but it would have been even greater if the editor …
Nobody–and I mean nobody–works a suit, tie and/or shades like Big Jim Ed. That stuff with the bat, yeah, that was impressive, too. But Mr. …
Because The New Guy not only belted a home run in his first game as a Red Sox, he also tears it up on the …
If you’re heading in to tonight’s Sox-Os game, first, congrats. Second, be advised that The Red Sox Wives will be holding their 18th annual Can …
So we’re coming off a five game losing streak and just lost Mark Kotsay, he of the hot wife, good clubhouse karma and world’s most …
Cashman: Well, I just pulled it. Headwarmer: Congratulations. And I pray to god you’re not talking about your worthless pecker. Cashman: I’m talking about the …
No game tonight? No problem. Your boyfriends at Surviving Grady have got you covered, with the following video suggestions that are far less exciting than …
I was being honest when I predicted that 2009 would be the Year of the Looger. Sadly, it is not to be, at least not …
Attention, please. This is the Ellis Burks Glamour Shot talkin’. And for too long, my cardboard brothers and I have sat back in silence. While …
We all know that after a grueling three hours of rocking on the bench, begging his offense to come through for him and praying against …
When Millwood left Smoltz, he was but a learner, but now he is the master. Or something like that. Alls I know is Thoroughly Modern …
For a long time, perhaps too long as our man Chad Finn suggests, WEEI has been the bastion of sports radio in this fine city. …
Sometimes you come across a couple photos that really need no set-up or introduction at all. Their inherent awesomeness speaks for itself. Ladies and gentlemen, …
I watched this one from my local (where, through the magic of Blogger-via-Blackberry, I still sit, sucking down Bud Light like it was my job). …
The All-Star break has left some Red Sox fans with an insatiable THIRST for baseball. But you may not know that many players feel your …
Tim Wakefield finally makes it to the All-Star Game and you keep his ass on the bench all night as an extra innings reserve? Feck, …
Not a big fan of the All-Star Game here. I used to dig it as a kid. But now the sight of our guys playing …
You know that killer guitar riff at the beginning of Van Halen’s version of “You Really Got Me”? That blazing red mushroom cloud towering over …
I never want to be that guy. No, not the guy who trolls local high schools to check the female talent; I already am that …
…he goes an cuts this remarkable, poignant commercial promoting LiveStrong’s cancer awareness campaign. And, yes, tonight, as every blog, newspaper, sportswriter, dog, robot, gypsy and …
Hungover, bedraggled, and just no good to women anywhere, I found myself poking around The Baseball Shop in Orleans yet again the other day. Amidst …
Really not much to say about this one. The Large Father continued his Say Amen Somebody Revival Tour by belting his three-hundredth home run, but …
Watching Wakefield walking off the mound these days is like watching Spider-Man walk away from the crumpled, beaten body of the Green Goblin. It's the …
Watching the post-game wrap-up on NESN after last night’s epic performance by Commander Kick Ass, I was amused by Heidi Watney’s question to Aaron Bates: …
Okay, now that we’ve welcomed back Nomar and made a jolly good show of it, can we please get back to some f@#king offense? We’ve …
Well played, Fenway Faithful. Well played indeed. A one minute, ten second standing ovation for the returning Nomar Garciaparra, and a true hero’s welcome for …
On NESN’s pre-game, the Eck, who played with Nomar on the 1998 team, laid down the law: “This guy deserves as big a standing ovation …
The 1998 ALDS was our first taste of playoff baseball with the one-two punch of Nomar Garciaparra and Pedro Martinez in our corner. Pedro was …
Last night, I was thinking, “The only way this weekend could get any better would be if Wakefield was named to the All-Star team tomorrow.” …