

Tell me this isn’t going to be another one of those years. You know what I’m talking about. Where everything just seems to go wrong. Snake-bitten? Buzzards luck? Call it whatever you want, but I don’t like the way things are going down south.

Napoli and his grandmother’s hips taking grounders from his knees. Buchholz pulled a hammy on the first play of spring training running over to cover first. Big Papi, seven months removed from his Achilles injury, is cruising around in a golf cart. And now, Will Middlebrooks hurt his wrist. It didn’t happen while he was pumping iron or saving a group of children from a crashed school bus. It happened swinging at a high fastball. That’s right, swinging at a pitch.

I guess dating hot chicks and playing X-Box all winter just doesn’t keep you in shape.