Picking Your Poison
Our pal Lisa from Subway Squawkers asked me to participate in a brief Q&A session for the Faster Times blog. One of the questions asked …
Our pal Lisa from Subway Squawkers asked me to participate in a brief Q&A session for the Faster Times blog. One of the questions asked …
Game Seven of the 2004 ALCS was one of the most emotional events of my life. Even though it was over by the second inning. …
You can’t turn on talk radio, read a blog or retreat to your Scott Williamson Memorabilia Room (don’t act like you don’t have one) without …
When I think Eck, I think hair and ‘stache before all those pitching accolades. So I got a kick out of this line from Napoleon …
How happy was Joba Chamberlain to strike out Vlad Guerrero with the bases loaded last night? Pretty frickin’ happy, it would appear: I love the …
I gotta say, it was good to see li’l Petey out doing God’s work last night against the LA Dodgers. Although I’m convinced the Powers …
Brad Searles is the guy behind Bradley’s Almanac, one of the premier local music blogs. He’s also a long-time friend of SG, which is why …
So yesterday at the office, the umpteenth person comes up to me and says, “How are you doing?” And I nod and I smile because …
As people, we worry. We want to be secure. How can I be secure? Through amassing wealth beyond all measure? No. That’s a sickness. That’s …
While this wasn’t the first time the Red Sox were one out away from closing the deal only to turn around and kick me in …
Haven’t we been here before? Yes, we have. We’ve been thrust in the corner, had our backs up against the wall, watched helplessly as opposing …
Our offense has officially gone Amelia Earheart, lost somewhere over the Bermuda Triangle, locked in an abandoned warehouse uptown, or blazing across state lines with …
Ever since George Steinbrenner put Tim Tschida on the payroll back in the 1999 ALCS, I’ve been suspicious of umps making egregiously shitty calls in …
Denton and I have a pretty piss-poor record as liveblogging goes; I think we currently stand at about 2 wins to 8,972 losses. But we’re …
I’ll never take it for granted, this playoff business. Because I remember the dark days, before you were born, young Luke, when we’d go stretches …
The Sox aren’t just backing into the postseason, they’re being chloroformed, placed inside a large burlap sack, and dragged into it. Last night, they lost …
I tweeted this earlier this afternoon, and the great Chad Finn was kind enough to mention it in his latest column: In case tonight turns …
Rangers lose. Sox take Wild Card. Off to Anaheim we go. Am I happy about seeing the guys back into this? No, but I take …
After last night’s ass-whooping at the hands of the mighty Blue Jays, I’ve decided to abstain from posting until the Sox officially clinch the Wild …
Look, I’m as anxious as anyone to clinch the wild card, put the big guns to bed, and roll Double-A style for the remainder of …
Eh, so the bad guys got the division today. It’s nothing a wild card clinching celebration and the first pitch of the 2009 ALDS won’t …
Even though we're living in the world of wild card acceptance, it doesn't make it any easier to see our guys get positively owned, spanked …
The drunken, loutish side of me says that the Yanks, mathematically, have still not captured the AL East. Meaning we could conceivably beat them to …
And so do you. So do I. So does he. And so does she. All of us, everywhere, united in our hatred of the Yankees. …
I have a drinking game I like to play whenever the Sox face the Yanks. It goes like this: When the game starts, I crack …
I apologize for the lack of posting today. I did concoct a pretty good excuse involving an alien probe, a truckload of lumber and the …
I tweeted this last night and, having thought about it for a while, I have to say I still feel the same today. I’m not …
When Abraham Lincoln invented the wild card, it was a proud moment for America. Up until that point, we had war, famine, threat of alien …
It’ll be tough, since the guy’s certainly got a lot of incentive going into tonight’s game. First, there’s that whole Cy Young thing, not to …
She’s unquestionably hot. She played Elektra. She knows her Red Sox. And she understands the “proper” way to sport a Yankees cap. Sure, it sounds …
After a loss like last night’s, “pre-2004” Red tends to take over. The guy who looks at the abomination of losing a sizable lead to …
Don’t look now, but the Red Sox are just five measly games behind your team, you squirrely bastard. And as you hit up the Angels …
Any debate as to whether or not Camden Yards is officially Fenway II was shattered last night after Ortiz laced a double in the top …
I’m not gonna shed too many tears for the Orioles and their fans. Yes, it must suck to be fielding such a godawful team and …
If life was like the movies, then the last playoff game I ever took in with Dad would have been game three of the 2003 …