I can never thank this man enough. Never.

We were happy to hear that Dave Roberts, AKA He Who Should Never Have to Pay for a Beer in This City for the Rest of His Life, is back on the field and gearing up for his new role as first base coach for the Padres, after months of successful treatment for lymphoma.

“The thing that I probably gained the most is I never realized how many people – aside from the fact of being appreciative and when people say ‘You don’t know what you have until it can potentially be taken from you’ – cared for me and loved me, from family to friends to fans,” Roberts said Tuesday. “The e-mails, the cards, all the well wishes, were amazing. I never really had anyone constantly praying for me and my well being. To feel that wherever I went, from San Francisco to San Diego to Boston and to outside the country, was very humbling.”

While the man will obviously be forever remembered for The Steal, there’s another highlight that always comes to mind when I hear Roberts’ name: the standing O he got when he returned to Fenway Park as a member of the Giants.

If you don’t get chills hearing the roar of the crowd and seeing Roberts pause to take it all in… well, then, it might be time to roll up the tents and just admit to being a Nexus 6 android.