I’ve never been shy about my man-love for Tom Caron. So while, yeah, the Hideki Okajima resigning is fairly cool, I was a bit more jazzed about TC’s long-term contract with NESN.
Experience has taught me not to get too attached to the NESN talent. Back in 2004, I fell hard for pre-game correspondent Krisily Kennedy, only to lose her in 2005. Then there was Tina C, and we all know how that went down. I still wake up some nights in a cold sweat, calling out for Hazel Mae and Sean McDonough. And months of therapy have finally gotten me over The Great Millar Tease of 2010.
Losing TC might have pushed me over the edge, so I’m happy to know that his gentle tenor, stylish eyewear and wry humor will be with us for some time. Now if the guy would finally admit that he rocks it pantsless behind the NESN studio desks, we could all get back to business. The business… of winning.