Remember that time, right after the Sox won it all in 2004, that you and two pals dressed up as Chewbacca, a Roman Centurion and Ulysses S. Grant and barrelled into Kenmore in a rented bus with “World Series Champs” scrawled across the sides and the paper-mache likeness of Kevin Millar’s head spot-welded to the roof?
Okay, that might have been me. But the fact is, we all celebrated that legendary victory in our own ways. And if the stuff you were doing was captured in photos, Ken Burns, the guy behind the epic Baseball mini-series, wants to know about it.
From Florentine Films via our pal Allan at Joy of Sox:
Ken Burns and Florentine Films are working on a new episode of its Baseball documentary series, focusing extensively on the Red Sox’s 2004 season.
To tell this story from the fans’ perspective, we are doing something new for us — we’re combing New England for personal photos taken by fans showing their jubilation in the days following the 2004 victory.
The types of photos we’re seeking include: scenes of celebration taken in the hours and days after the 2004 World Series win, congratulatory signs posted in homes or businesses, memorabilia left at grave sites of loved ones (there were several reports of this happening throughout New England), and anything else that may be relevant.
If you’ve got anything that qualifies, send it to The episode is scheduled for broadcast this fall.
And, hey, why not share it with us as well in the comments section (using the “add images” feature). The one I posted above is a true favorite, taken by my man Curtis Interruptus as the bartender lined ’em up right before the 2004 Victory Parade.
All I know is, whenever things get bad, I just look at that picture or slip on the 2004 World Series DVDs or re-read the comments from the night we finally won it all. And just like that, I’m there.