I have to admit: The giddy feeling I used to get before every Pedro Martinez start? I get that now whenever Timmy Wakefield takes the hill. Yes, I know there’s nothing more infuriating than those games in which the knuckler won’t knuckle, and ol’Timmeh’s pissed away 12 runs by the second inning. But this year, those lost causes have been few and far between. On the cusp of his tenth win — putting him on pace for, dare we think it, a possible twenty-win season — Wakefield is suddenly at the top of his game, turning batters into smacked asses with every twist of that goddam flutterball. Like fine wine, scotch and Heather Locklear, Wake seems to be getting increasingly awesome with each passing year. And I can’t think of a player more genuinely worthy of our support.

Won’t you join me, then, to cheer on The Waker in our comments section game thread.

Thank you.