Where Boot Meets Nuts and the Worst Music Video Ever, Part II
I know, I know. I’m spoiled. But as I see it, if Paps is gonna blow a game, it’s gotta be all hellfire and raining …
I know, I know. I’m spoiled. But as I see it, if Paps is gonna blow a game, it’s gotta be all hellfire and raining …
Tonight, we have Curt on the hill. But no Drew (sick) or Cora (giving “swingy boy” Pedroia a chance to play). Okay, guys. Let’s win …
Looking back on the first month of the 2007 season, there has probably been no greater surprise — beside the fact that Mike Timlin hasn’t …
Further proof that the world makes no sense: Derek Jeter and Harvey Keitel (playing a sort of hybrid of his Mr. White and Winston Wolfe …
I’ve attended more Yankees elimination parties than I care to remember, but the AL East standings always seem to shake out the same way — …
Pettitte can’t get out of the fifth! Mariano can’t get out of the ninth (and was lifted for — oh, the humanity — Mike Myers)! …
The 2007 Yankees, currently languishing in the sub-basement of the AL East, have become everyone’s favorite punching bag, most recently knocked around by the Toronto …
With yesterday’s SockGate, I wanted to re-post the original post I posted back then, when the event in question actually happened. So here it is, …
Okay, that might be overstating things. But have you noticed how whenever there’s a late-game comeback or dramatic twist or, as was the case last …
A good game last night, featuring the Return of the Product, as David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez reminded us all that whan they’re both on, …
Wow. That Wily Mo. Not a strong outfielder. I know Manny’s not a strong outfielder, either — that “throw” he made after retrieving Lyle Overbay’s …
I admit: when Jools Tavarez showed up on our doorstep, I only knew a couple things about him. He once punched a phone, and he …
Well, at least Mike Timlin didn’t get killed. Seriously. On that hearty cracker back to the mound off the bat of Gregggg Zaun, I thought …
First off let me say that I like the Blue Jays. I think they have a phenomenal line-up and if Burnett and Halladay stay healthy, …
Seriously, would they? Not a chance. So let’s all be there at 3:55pm. Side note: When did Red Bull become the official dugout drink? I’ve …
Beating the Yankees is a pretty awesome thing unto itself. Beating them at Fenway, on the first crisp, warm night the season’s given us, when …
Folks, we know we’re living in harsh times when, on the cusp of a three-night showdown with the Yankees, no less than Joel Piniero — …
Now this is the kind of game that gets us all hot and sweaty for the Yankees to get into town. So much to absorb …
Folks, we are living in bold new times in which it is truly exciting to be a fan of excitement. An era in which Doug …
First things first: That’s gotta be Geddy Lee up there in that picture under the “BOS”, right? I’ve been watching this dude sitting in that …
The Sox couldn’t have picked a better time to be heading north of the border to face their divison rivals. A good chunk of the …
It’s funny how, even after The Magic of 2004, I’m so quick to write off this team when things go awry. In the first inning, …
So the Yanks lose last night when Marco Scutaro hits a surprising three-run homer off Mariano Rivera. But let’s look at this a bit closer: …
Somehow it seemed too good to be true. Waffles with Beckett. Hashbrowns and Red Bull with Coco. Remy and D.O. in the house while I’m …
Let me get this straight. Wake goes seven and gives up a mere one run? Mirabelli leads the offense with a home run and a …
And we’re with him. So we’ll just buckle in and get ourselves ready for tonight’s full-on Tim Wakefield action.
The start of a new baseball season is something akin to baptism. It’s officially clean slate time, meaning anyone can bask in the glow of …
Folks, we don’t expect much from women who’ve dated Carl Pavano. But in the case of Alyssa Milano, I’m always willing to make an exception. …
Jon Lester continues to work the rehab circuit, and the news continues to be good. On Tuesday, he went four innings against the Columbus Catfish, …
Myself, I was pulling for the no-hitter. Somewhere around the fifth inning, when it was abundantly clear that the Daisuke Matsuzaka Everyday Sunshine Happy! Happy! …
Now this was a game that had it all. Josh Beckett taking off the glasses and going all Superman on the Seattle Mariners. A “welcome …
I’ve said this all before. But I think it bears repeating. For the past ten years, Fenway Opening Day has been my Christmas. It’s a …
I’m not sure what’s cooler: The fact that the Red Sox claimed J.D. Durbin off waivers from the Arizona Diamondbacks, or that on his MySpace …