The Thing About Dads and Baseball
My dad took me to my first Sox game when I was eight years old. He bought me a hot dog, a Coke, and a …
My dad took me to my first Sox game when I was eight years old. He bought me a hot dog, a Coke, and a …
Manny wasn’t the only former Sox in the house last night; Roger Clemens was strategically positioned in the Monster Seats, drink in hand, listening device …
Yup. Our thanks to the Dodgers, Mets and Marlins.
There’s been a lot of talk this week about how the fans will react when Manny returns to Fenway tonight. I can’t believe there’d be …
As I watched the Elf knock one out last night to put the Sox up by two in the very first inning, I was already …
For every person in the world, there must be a polar opposite. Why? How the f%&k should I know? Save your questions for Dennis Quaid …
Man, I’ve hated the Diamondbacks ever since that cheap-ass stunt they pulled back in ’78, when infielder Lolly Hernandez roughed-up Sox hurler Bill Campbell at …
I’m sure I’m misreading this, but every time I see John Henry’s young bride on the town with her mister, I get the vibe of …
Honestly, after a trip up a mountain (serious), a nasty hangover and the bitter taste of today’s Sox loss still in my mouth, I don’t …
If this is the best the National League can offer us — and I base that solely on the Phillies’ status as reigning NL champs …
I was at an elaborately upscale work-endorsed shindig last night, quaffing free booze and horrifying every woman in attandance with my patented “white guy shuffle.” …
Listening to these podcasts all I can think is, “Jesus Christ, do I ever shut up and let Denton get a word in?” Listen for …
So the other day I’m flipping through the Sox pre-game on NESN — something I don’t do as often as I should these days — …
Honestly, I can’t. And I’ll tell you why: 1) His name isn’t “Roger Clemens.” 2) He is, as I mentioned in the previous, overly-presumptuous post, …
Justin Masterson — or J-Mast, as he is known in certain hip hop circles — always seemed like a pretty nice fella while he was …
Red Sox win, continuing their summer revival and keeping pace with the Rays and Cranks, who also won. But the big story tonight was Tim …
Actually, I have no bloody idea if Wake and Masterson were buds when they shared time on the Sox. Or if they’re enemies now. I …
I found it kinda funny that the sad sack Orioles actually have a guy on their team named Will Ohman, which sounds dangerously close to …
I’ve only been to the Promised Land a few times. And by “Promised Land,” of course, I mean the box seats along Fenway’s third base …
A sweep of the Orioles? Yeah, that’d be nice. Especially since the last time we came around Camden Yards, we got swept away like yesterday’s …
In recognition of Conan O’Brien’s two-night stand at the Wang, we present this vid of him and Andy entertaining the troops at Google. Chosen specifically …
As Denton and I have noted several times over the past seven seasons, this site was born as a form of therapy — a way …
::Morning, September 11, 2013:: Dude. Wake up. It’s time for breakfast. Shhkkzz… wha? Today’s the day. The big day. Huh? You know. Your thirtieth birthday! …
For me, the big takeaway from last night’s botched call that robbed Armando Galarraga of a perfect game is how well Galarraga seemed to take …
Daisuke, I can’t say anything bad about your first couple years with the Sox. You ate barrels of money but won 33 games and helped …
Before the start of the season, John Lackey said he’s always happy to sit down and “have a beer with a guy.” So I’m hoping …
Write this down, people: A hard rain is gonna fall tonight. All over the Oakland A’s. Tonight’s game — now scheduled to begin at 7:30pm …
There’s nothing I dig more than a walk-off home run at Fenway Park, punctuated by a massive pile-up at home plate. But I’ve often wondered …
When we’re through whispering about steroids and creaky knees and how much hitting in front of Manny meant to him… When we’re tired of administering …
Look, humans, I hate to break it to you. But your 2010 Boston Red Sox are a .500 team. Simple as that. There will be …
For anyone wondering how long it would be until Kevin Millar got Jim Rice to loosen up on NESN’s pregame show, the answer is… about …
We’ve seen this happen before: The Sox make hay against a couple awesome teams, only to get rolled by a sub-.500 dweller. And tonight, with …
Dude? Are you serious? You get sweet seats to a game between heated AL East rivals and you spend the entire time fine-tuning the PowerPoint …
Dude, I know you’ve got some Texas-sized anger inside of you. I’ve seen it come out on the Fenway mound, when you were wearing an …
Is this the same f#$king team I was watching in April? The names may be the same, but the players have clearly been double-dosing on …