Just One Win. But Feels Like Twenty.
I’ll admit, I had a bazillion things going on the other day, and the Red Sox game was little more than white noise. Until Teixeira …
I’ll admit, I had a bazillion things going on the other day, and the Red Sox game was little more than white noise. Until Teixeira …
The last two Red Sox teams to finish below .500, the 1997 and 1994 Red Sox, both had 49 wins on July 28, just like …
Last place Sox versus first place Yanks? Aaron Cook against Phil Hughes? Mark Teixeira’s bat pitted against Adrian Gonzalez The Invisible’s? This might be the …
Look, by the time the dust clears on this weekend’s series with the Yankees, the Red Sox could very well be more than a dozen …
1. Sherman Hemsley (deceased, yes, but still inspiring more confidence) 2. Chris Difford 3. A log 4. Jessica Biel (not sure how she throws, but …
Good, good things: Red Sox win, Buchholz throws a gem, and a Sox cap shows up when the real-life Batman visits some of the folks …
Tonight, we win this one for Sherman Hemsley. Write it down. A win. The man who portrayed George Jefferson is now truly movin’ on up. …
Line ’em up, boys. I have a funny feeling things aren’t going to get much better in August. Unless there’s some blockbuster trade in the …
After getting swept and dumped into last place by the previous last place team in the AL East, what are the chance we come out, …
I’ll admit to getting all swept up in The Cody Ross Show last week. The walk-offs, the drama, the whole going 5-2 after the All …
If you told me that glorious, bald bastard would hit another three-run home run tonight and magically propel us 9.5 games in the standings into …
Despite the good fortune the Red Sox have fallen into in recent years, I find it too easy at times to revert back to The …
The last time the Red Sox finished a season under .500 was 1997. Their everyday line-up consisted of knockaround guys like Darren Bragg and Wil …
Man, there are some great baseball GM stalking stories out there, like the time Ernest Borgnine followed Lou Gorman to a roast beef place in …
This one went according to script. Youkbacca returned, got a much-deserved standing O, and then went hit-shit crazy with a couple doubles and a single. …
I just can’t get used to the sight of Youkbacca in a White Sox uni. Seriously, it’s about as disorienting to me as seeing Dewey …
It’s good to have you back at Fenway, Kevin. F@#k you. Goes without sayin’ that I’m sorry we didn’t exactly hit it off. F@#k you. …
Look, although I sill refuse to give up on the “2012 World Champions” dream, my two feet are planted firmly in reality (albeit a reality …
Thanks to the much-missed Heidi Watney for providing the visual highlight of my Saturday evening. After the Sox lost a nut-cruncher to the Rays, I …
Two in a row against the Rays. Do we dare even think it? Are we witnessing the opening salvos in what could be a ten-game …
I’m just a big fan of the film Blade Runner, see? This photo has nothing at all to do with how I envision the Red …
In a perfect world, here’s how tonight’s Sox-Yankees game goes: Jon Lester channels his bad-ass self from years past and shuts the Yanks down. Ortiz …
Yes, we are. You. Your mother. Your boss. The girl at the pizza shop you keep scamming on who won’t give you the time of …
These games against the Yankees really do take years off my life. Well, that and my love of the demon alcohol. Last night, after Commander …
The man we keep counting out keeps making shit happen. David Ortiz — he of the team-leading 86 hits, 21 home runs (15 more than …
…is dropping two games to the team with the AL’s second-worst record and being outscored in those two games by a combined 4-2.
This news from NESN is the best thing I’ve heard in months. NESN announced that former Red Sox pitcher Tim Wakefield will join the network …
For everyone who slept through last night’s game, here’s your recap: Aaron Cook, my stunt double, went a complete game, giving up just two hits. …
One of our favorite local media types, the great Jen Royle, joins us once again for another inane exploration of all things Red Sox. Topics …
It’s a west coast swing. Which means we get to stay up late, swill beers until early morning, and drag our asses into the office …
For a few torturous, beer-soaked hours last night, it looked like a rare good start by Daisuke Matsuzaka might go to waste. Dude gave up …
It seemed to take us a bazillion years to climb above .500 and drag our asses out of the cellar. The last thing we want …
Youk. Yoooouuuuk. The Greek God of Walks. Youkbacca. The Filthy Lumberjack. Doctor Zaius. Hillbilly Pete. Jeffrey Gainseworth, OB-GYN. Yes, we had a lot of names …
Folks, we are officially living in Middlebrooks Standard Time. From this moment on, everyone I know is Will Middlebrooks. The guy who sells me the …