We know we’re getting ahead of ourselves, what with the first official pitch of the Red Sox’ 2011 regular season still more than 72 hours away. But nothing gets us in the mood for baseball quite like James Earl Jones kickin’ it Bart Giamatti style in this scene from Field of Dreams.
It’s the scene that makes the greatest movie ever made even greater. And the more I hear it, I’m convinced that we’ve been pronouncing “baseball” wrong all these years. James Earl Jones should be the only man allowed to utter the word, and everyone else should be fitted with a special “voice-coder box” so that when they say “baseball” it actually comes out as Jones’ voice.
Of course, such an undertaking would require time, money and resources I just don’t have. But I think it’s worth it.
(Video from Hulu.com. So we apologize in advance for the 3 second ad at the start)